NATURAL INTELLIGENCE as the basis of a trading system - page 30


Read the first post in this thread to refresh your memory of what the conversation is about.

The second question is absurd at its core - you have no way of knowing what I wrote and what I didn't.

I wonder how you manage to know what I can know and what I can't? Talent? Clairvoyance? Black magic? Iron logic, perhaps?

Read the third post in the thread I mentioned, then maybe you'll get the gist of my question.


Counted down exactly to the third message - well... read it yourself.

Yurixx, if you can't be bothered, find someone else. You're talking out of your depth.

Integer: What's the question?
I wrote about learning, not memory... Does it really matter that much? After all, it was a long time ago.

Yurixx, you can "get" me. What's bothering you? :-) (Don't take it seriously)
I can't understand why the participants of the discussion, when they divert from the main topic, fall into a state of mutual accusations and empty recriminations. It seems that this thread has become a dumping ground for someone's beliefs. :)))

If you don't mind, I would like to ask a question that I think has some bearing on the topic of the thread. It concerns the ambiguity of the interpretation
of Eliot's analysis of wave patterns. Personally, I am interested in why, despite a rather good theoretical validity, the wave analysis remains more of an art than a formal strategy?

Hence, a related question:
Have any of the participants in this forum tried to apply any principles of wave analysis to mechanical trading? If so, how successful were these attempts, and most importantly, what is the possible reason for failures in building such strategies?

Polimorf: why, despite being reasonably well grounded in theory, wave analysis remains more of an art than a formal strategy?
Polimorf, where did you find the theoretical underpinning of EWP? Elliott doesn't count, he was just an accountant and spouted a lot of nonsense about the universality of the principle, for he didn't know Fib before...
Mathemat писал (а):
Polimorf, where did you find the theoretical basis for EWP? Elliott doesn't count, he was just an accountant and spouted a lot of nonsense about the universal nature of the principle, for Fib he didn't know before. ...
Yes, I agree from the mathematical point of view this method can hardly be called justified.:)))) Then let me reword the question: why this method, unsubstantiated as it is, allows some traders to be successful? What role does intuition and experience play here, and what is the role of formal reasoning? And further, if we can isolate the formal part of EWP, will we be able to create on its basis an algorithm capable of successful trading or at least of imitating the actions of a successful trader?

Yurixx, you can "poke" at me. What's bothering you? :-) (don't take it seriously)

Well, in one word - Honduras. :-)) (Don't take it seriously).

In general, I find it interesting how people think. Unfortunately, it is not common. Most prefer to act, and then, instead of debriefing, they say, "Well, what is there to discuss, it's already in the past. There is another problem - insensitivity to other people's thoughts. Especially if it is unconventional. There have been some interesting examples on this forum, though Forex trading is such a narrow and specific field, that there is no place for an avant-garde player to turn around :-)

Your phrase "I have a lot of thoughts, want to talk to someone else on the subject..." I confess, I am interested.

However, it was a long time ago, I wouldn't be surprised if that train had already sailed.

Judging by the large number of ambulances, it was a party...
Polimorf: Then let me rephrase the question as to why this method, while unreasonable, allows some traders to succeed?
It does, but only in combination with other methods (Fibs, cycles, even some standard inducators). The main attraction of EWP is that the principle proclaims the market fractality (self-similarity, not Williams'), which is confirmed by recent studies of mathematicians. And formalisation is difficult here: look at the wave software packages on which many man-hours of labour have been killed. Very often the mark-ups that are obtained there are complete rubbish.
«Мечта - это стрела, выпущенная в направлении истины; она может поразить цель, но никогда не покроет всей мишени. 
Но ленивый стрелок слишком доволен своим успехом, чтобы стремиться к чему-то большему»