a trading strategy based on Elliott Wave Theory - page 121

By the way, Alex is absolutely right about the convergent and divergent channels too.

I agree, of course. It's just that since the approach under discussion uses linear regression as a "probe", we have channels with dynamic boundaries as a kind of equivalent
Do you know how to determine the scaling factor? If so, I wouldn't mind a hint of the method idea. :)

In the model I am trying to build, there are certain considerations for this. Unfortunately, I don't know if they are correct or not. The search is in full swing and the answer is in the uncertain future. For these reasons, I would not like to express naked ideas.
For these reasons, I would not like to express naked ideas.

Ideas are interesting in themselves :). However, I understand you. Then it only remains to state the fact of a similar way of thinking.
По этим причинам высказывать голые идеи не хотелось бы.

Ideas are interesting in themselves :). However, I understand you. Then we can only acknowledge a similar way of thinking.

Yes, we all have our "fig" in our pockets here. :-)
ЗЫЗЫ Кстати вы заметили что Alex Niroba куда-то опять пропал. Обещался что-то крутое показать и нет его опять, а жаль... :)

2 Alex Niroba
You brought up my comment by the way, then you once again disappeared into the shadows without telling us anything about your strategy, but you promised to.

Alex Niroba 14.06.06 18:26

I will try to post what I wanted tomorrow.
No time today...


Jhonny, I also wrote earlier that I am engaged in another line of work,
so I've got to keep myself busy on several fronts.
I just don't have enough time physically...
I have to write at night.

<br / translate="no">Yurixx:
By the way, about the converging and diverging channels Alex is absolutely right too.

It all depends on the definition of channel adopted = used. And anyone would be right to formulate different criteria from the "classics" and find their channels by them. And if they still work... :o))

Вы правильно заметили что данная ветка была создана мною (ещё 21 февраля).
Я ничего Вам лично не предлагаю, уж тем более что-то переписывать.
Форум публичный, согласен, каждый может высказаться по существу.
Вы чем-то недовольны?

Oh, no. Everything is just fine, at least for me. :о)))

Grasn, I am sincerely glad for you!

It all depends on the definition of channel adopted = used. And anyone would be right to formulate different criteria from the "classics" and find their channels according to them. And if they still work... :o))

Of course, it's exactly like that.
When I say right, I mean that I hold the same opinion. When I object - respectively the opposite. Of course, it's better to insert "IMHO" every time. However, that is not very good either. Everything is good in moderation, even politeness.

In any case, I admit: I do not have a license to determine right and wrong.
I used to have one, but then I don't know where it went. :-)
Guys, Alex Niroba is back ! What a joy ! <br / translate="no"> 1. Too bad he never learned to be friendly during his absence. Still trying to satisfy his ego by puffing up his cheeks. But that's okay. Everyone has to go through their own experiences in life. This is where awareness is important.
2. Hear this, Alex ? If you become AWARE of yourself and what you are doing in life, you will have much less energy, time and blood to waste, much less to suffer than if you don't. The practice of awareness is a complex and subtle thing. But only through it can you come to your true self.
3. In general, Alex has said something right here. The idea to build channels in TFs (one for each) is the use of fractal market structure and that is exactly what Vladislav explained about 40-50 pages ago. Here it is important to choose the right set of f/ffs. I, for example, personally do not agree with the set proposed by Alieh.

Dear Yurixx, I would even say expensive.
1. I have never tried to impose my friendship. Why should I?! О:))))
2. Who told you I was suffering, what nonsense! Are you trying to give me a morality lesson? Please!
3. As for the timeframe set - that was just an example.
Yurixx, I have never imposed my opinion on anyone and you can agree or disagree, I don't care! I have said it before!

Good luck!


Тут только довольно-таки важно правильно выбрать набор т/ф.

Are you referring to non-standard timeframes?

I don't agree about one channel yet. Although, if you choose the correct timeframes, you may be limited to one channel per timeframe. Well, if the timeframe is not precisely selected, it seems that we must see the structures of different timeframes in it simultaneously.

Candid, believe me, it's not about timeframes.
Of course you should analyse the market on all timeframes, including yearly.
It does not matter which timeframe you are going to trade, half an hour or an hour
or even a minute, etc., it is important to understand the nature of the processes taking place in the market!
Don't forget that all markets have a fractal structure!
The fact that I gave non-standard timeframes in the example doesn't mean anything,
so don't get hung up on it.

As for channels, one timeframe should have at most one channel!!!
Channels are absolutely independent of the timeframe you choose. This is true!
