a trading strategy based on Elliott Wave Theory - page 117

2 wellx
It's simpler: it's 'getting harder and harder' to understand something, not how to make money :) !! <br / translate="no"> think of a newcomer to the forum - how can he make sense of this pile of posts?

In forex it's hard to understand anything. :)

If a newcomer starts on Forex, he has to be ready to go all the way by himself. The hope for a kind uncle who will tell, teach, put in his mouth (i.e. in his pocket) is self-deception.
If this newcomer came to this forum for that reason, he is in vain. This forum has other tasks.
And it is the beginner's task to sort it out. And it's not from a bad character. Until you figure it out for yourself, you won't learn anything. And it's hard to live off someone else, and in Forex it's impossible.

Well, now I'm getting philosophical. :)
Yuri,(Yurixx), let me distract you from life philosophy, and move you smoothly into the realm of our metaphysics :o). What do you think are the "forces" in the forex market that can create a potential field?

They (and everyone else) are also wondering how big this thread is going to get :) This is the first time on this forum (of this length), as far as I remember.

The important thing is not how big this branch gets, the important thing is
whether in this branch there will be at least a small share of truth.

Vladislav, I found time to read your posts, as promised.
Special thanks for giving people a fishing rod and a hint how to use it.
and a hint on how to use it instead of just "laying out" the fish.
I hope it went to good use.

Obviously the discussion has gone in the wrong direction.
Don't take this as a criticism, but you're trying to reinvent a bicycle
that was invented a long time ago.
And your model of a bicycle resembles a bicycle for a swan, a crayfish and a pike.
You will not get far on such a bike...

I agree with Vladislav that the market has a fractal nature.
But channels are not fractals, they merely describe trend movements.
And the channels should not be numerous, but only one!
(I mean on the selected timeframe).

Apparently I'm going to say heresy :), but there is an impression that quite often there are
and asymmetric channels, they clearly don't fit into the first approach.

You are absolutely right! Channels are not only parallel,
They can also be convergent and divergent.

As has been repeated many times in this thread -
90 % of success depends on the correct setting of your problem.

Good luck to you.

<br / translate="no"> Special thanks for giving the people a rod and a hint how to use it, rather than just "laying out" the fish. I hope it did the trick.

Thank you, of course, for your tender concern for us. And especially, your "omniscience" is hilarious.

And there shouldn't be many channels, but just one!!!
You are not mistaken, channels do not only come in parallel.

Explain how one channel can be both parallel and not only parallel. In relation to what? To other channels of other timeframes? Or do you mean only the "geometry" of one channel?
[/quote]And especially, I am amused by your "omniscience". [quote]

I do not pretend to "omniscience", as you put it.
But I see that with every new post, the discussion is drifting away from
Sensei's original intent.

Explain how you can have one channel both parallel and not only parallel. In relation to what? In relation to other channels on other timeframes? Or do you mean just the "geometry" of one channel?

Channels are of three types:
1 kind - a parallel channel, 2 lines do not intersect;
2nd kind - a narrowing channel, 2 lines meet like a wedge;
Type 3 - widening canal, 2 lines diverge.

I suppose there will be as many channels as "fall" under its definition.
I suppose there will be as many channels as "fall" under its definition. <br / translate="no">

Under the definition of what or whom?
Alex Niroba, the above classification is not sacred knowledge and I am afraid you have not opened our eyes to something new. Then simply explain, how you select a single channel?

PS: And don't stray from the original idea at all. Sometimes we get distracted by different topics, that's ok, don't worry so much.
Полагаю, каналов будет столько, сколько «попадет» под его определение.

Under the definition of what or who?

Under your definition, you should only have one channel.
Alex Niroba, the above classification is not sacred knowledge and I am afraid you have not opened our eyes to something new. Then simply explain how you select a single channel? <br / translate="no">.
PS: And we don't stray from the original idea at all. Sometimes we get distracted by different topics, that's ok, don't worry so much.

First answer one question - are you familiar with the concept of fractal?