a trading strategy based on Elliott Wave Theory - page 127

Thank you Alex. You are very kind. You even took the trouble to go through the whole story.

<br / translate="no"> I'm afraid that everyone understands market fractality differently, even Bill Williams has his own views on the subject, so there is a difference of opinion.

There will always be such divergences of opinions, for the reason that there is no clear definition of a fractal. And everyone "sees" his own fractals. And it is very possible that everybody will be right to some extent.
There will always be such differences of opinion, because there is no clear definition of a fractal. And everyone "sees" their own fractals. And it is very possible that everybody will be right to some extent. <br / translate="no">.

Fractals, everywhere from motion of the smallest particles to motion of Galaxies in the Universe. Everything in nature, including man, has something to do with fractality. Markets are no exception either.
One may say that fractality is a certain law of the Universe.
Naturally, it is very difficult to give an exact definition to such a volumetric notion.
The notion itself, it seems to me, is not so important, the main thing is "buried" in properties of fractal.

Alex, remembering your post dated 03.08.06 18:31, don't forget Bill Gates became the richest man not on Forex.

It does not matter what path you follow, the main thing is the end result!

<br / translate="no"> The concept itself, it seems to me, is not so important, the main thing is "buried" in the properties of the fractal.

Quite right, it is in the properties that it is buried.

PS1: You have [/img] became part of link for some reason and therefore pictures are not visible. If it's not too much trouble, just fix it. :о)))

PS2: ":-)" - Very informative posts. Are you such an optimist in life or in places?
I know it's off-topic, but maybe someone will be interested, see link.

2 Alex Niroba
It was very interesting for me. Thank you, Alex, for the link and for the photos in the margin.

And as for fractals, it seems to me that there is no subject for dispute. As fractals can have absolutely different nature (from objects of pure mathematics to biological objects) it is impossible to give definition of fractal. However the main property of fractals, self-similarity, may well replace the definition and allow to distinguish them in any sphere from pure science to pure nature.

The main thing is not to argue about what is fractal, but to be able to work with fractals. And it is not about knowing how to build them - it is too simple. It is about being able to analyse them and extract information from them. Few people in this relatively young field of knowledge can yet boast of this.
And we're not arguing at all. :о) It reminds me of an old joke about fractals. I don't remember it exactly, but the gist of it is as follows:

Picasso once had his bag stolen by a thief. The policeman asks "Did you see the thief?". "I did," replies the artist. Then the policeman suggests, "You're an artist, can you paint a portrait of the thief?", "Sure!" the artist agrees.

And by the evening of the same day, two old ladies, a baby, three pregnant women, two washing machines and a small truck were arrested.
And we're not arguing at all. :о) It reminds of an old joke about fractals. I don't remember exactly, but the meaning is approximately the following:<br / translate="no">
Picasso once had a thief steal a bag. The policeman asks, "Did you see the thief?" "I did," replies the artist. The policeman suggests "You are an artist, can you paint a portrait of the thief?", "Of course!" the artist agrees.

And by the evening of the same day, two old ladies, an infant, three pregnant women, two washing machines and a small lorry had been arrested.

If I understand you correctly, you want
to be presented with a ready-made solution.
If you were presented with a choice: fish or fishing rod,
I wonder which you would take?

<br / translate="no"> If I understand you correctly, you want a ready-made solution.
If you were presented with a choice: fish or fishing rod, I wonder which you would take?

Niroba, I don't understand you, I don't understand your thought process. Apparently it is a result of a trained mind. What makes you think that I am waiting for a solution from someone? Was it something that I was begging for on the pages of the forum? Did you make up your mind after reading the joke? For those who haven't understood, for you Niroba - it was just a joke, an anecdote to the topic and nothing more.

Or have you decided that you gave me sacred knowledge, to use your terminology, a fishing rod? Oh, when was that? I must have missed it. Oh, I remember! That was when you flattened time!!! Of course it was!
The man is choked by the pity that the branch he started has grown so much through no fault of his own :)
The interesting thing is that he didn't say anything clever at the beginning.... and the end doesn't work very well either :)