FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 2071

Daniil Stolnikov:
and the link to the futures volumes? ))

The WSA uses volumes for the underlying asset if I understand it correctly,

there's a lot of material in russian, too.

there's one on youtube - you can work and listen in the background

Who else would please me

I'm not sorry...


I'm not sorry...

what is it ? more rails ? or something else ?
what is it ? more rails ? or something else ?

yes fleabagging...

yes fleabagging...



and the picture on the chiff ?

the quid is going up - the eu, the kiwi, the audi all went down a bit -

The quid may have gone up against the bank


People write:

"put sales are massive. call purchases by 3%.

the money went to 31%, I don't remember the exact amount this morning, but I don't think it was more than 15.
The volume of calls at 1.12, what we expect, and by puto has gone almost to parity. and on the 1 st we see that the buying of calls on the small stuff is enormous.

as if to conclude on a very real and not weak momentum not today - tomorrow."


I don't understand why you sit here all day long, don't tell me you're making money).

Eugenia, the idea of "first from here to there and then from there to there" led the teacher to the sinking of more than one pam, no one knows where from and to where, it is done on the fact, you start selling or buying - you drop the limits. Intraday trading in currencies is a definite loser for beginners, those who trade on sticks, stars, "TA figures" etc.


I don't understand why you sit here all day long, don't tell me you're making money).

Eugenia, the idea of "first from here to there and then from there to there" led the teacher to the sinking of more than one pam, no one knows where from and to where, it is done on the fact, you start selling or buying - you drop the limits. Intraday trading in currencies is a definite loser for beginners, those who trade on sticks, stars, "TA figures" etc.

+1 and I'll add... if you trade intro act strictly take strictly moose everything.... and don't try to roll over after the take. remember the one cardinal rule !!!!!! you still have a year ahead of you... don't be in the market all the time!!!!!!!!!
Bought a Jew at 1,1020, got me going ))



and the picture on the chiff ?

the quid is going up - the eu, the kiwi, the audi all went down a bit -

The quid may have gone up against the bank


People write:

"put sales are massive. call purchases by 3%.

In money it was 31%, I don't remember the exact value this morning, but it seemed to be no higher than 15.
volume of calls at 1.12, what we expect, and puts were taken almost at parity. and at the 1 st we see that there are a lot of call purchases for small stuff down there.

As if to conclude on a very real and not weak momentum not today - tomorrow.

This is all bullshit.

I don't understand why you sit here all day long, don't tell me you're making money).


The grail. (I don't know why you're sitting here all day long...) ))