FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 2025

Yellen expects Fed rate hike in 2015


Yellen expects Fed rate hike in 2015

At her age, it's unhealthy to wait, she might not wait

According to calculations by Credit Suisse, redemptions in the European debt market will reach their peak from mid-July. Investors will have cash on hand to invest in assets outside of the eurozone. Conversions from the funding currency (EUR) to other currencies will be a strong argument for bears on EUR/USD

Четыре причины продать евро
Четыре причины продать евро
  • 2015.07.10
Через 3-4 месяца пара EUR/USD будет торговаться вблизи отметки 1,05
I'm getting lazy reading the thread. 5 posts per page with zero meaning. like, I eat and produce poo and gimme, gimme, gimme. go fishing.
I'm getting too lazy to read the thread. 5 posts per page with zero meaning. like, I eat and produce poo and gimme, gimme, gimme. went fishing.
It's time to tear it down.
It was like before - the teacher gave lessons, drew pictures... And now what? A pathetic semblance of... ugh
Daniil Stolnikov:
It was like before - the teacher gave lessons, drew pictures... And now what? A pathetic semblance of... ugh
But when you offer people real economic and trading data, and they tell you about stochastics, fibos, moon phases, and other bullshit, while insisting that they are successfully trading on that, which is nonsense in itself, then the conclusion is one - no one needs it. I have shown you the way, go ahead, if you don't want it, give me your dough, it won't bother me.
The jokes are good, but when you suggest people to look at real economic and trading data, and they tell you about stochastics, fibos, moon phases and other bullshit, while claiming that they successfully trade using all that, which in itself is nonsense, then there is one conclusion - no one needs such a branch. And do not tell me to show, teach, give, I showed you in what direction to go, go ahead, if you do not want - give me your money, they will not bother me.
Personally, I'm for it with both hands! Let's have a look! I've been pasting pictures for you and you're telling me it's bullshit again... )) If I knew what wasn't bullshit it would be more interesting.)

Walking on the road. Slowly
Daniil Stolnikov:
Personally, I'm all for it!!! Let's have a look! Here I was pasting pictures for you, and you say - dicky again... )) If I knew what wasn't bullshit it would be more interesting.)

Walking on the road. Slowly
Everything that does not refer to real data, the news does not refer to it either.
Anything that doesn't apply to real data, news doesn't apply to it either, by the way.
Unreal data? How's that? ))