FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 2017


Did the teacher tell you what you look like? Or don't you honour HIM?))

My sources are different))

isn't it early?
Isn't it early?
Life will tell)

I'm looking at the chif...

Evra, what's the holdup?


I'm looking at the chif...

Evra, what's the holdup?

You personally - trading every day is idiotic, conditions for deals, for good ones, add up once or twice a month, if more often, it's already a shark)
You personally - trading every day is idiotic, conditions for trades, for good ones, add up once or twice a month, if more often, it's a shark)

how should it be?

Life will tell)
from 1,549 could still be sold

what to do?

All these screenshots are about nothing.
1.549 is still up for grabs.

I don't know, I'm not clairvoyant.)

Why are there no funeral marches for the euro today?)))

All these screenshots are about nothing.
What are they about?

I don't know, I'm not clairvoyant)

Why are there no euro funeral marches today?)))

Why not, I am in shorts and so is the eu :)) I am creating liquidity for you :)))