FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1928

I'm just tired of reading about ts, "ideas", political events that should move the price somewhere)))) After reading that Greece wants something there, everyone immediately closed their positions and took the dough, the nonsense of a madman))))
Well, answer then, how do you understand the linkage of money to certain events? So there is a mega dolt who will move his money markets without paying attention to what is happening in the world?
Well, answer then, how do you understand the relationship of money to certain events? So there is a mega puppet who will move his money markets without paying attention to what is going on in the world?
What you call "events" is nothing more than a mouse fuss that has been going on for years and money will not react to them in any way. The puppet exists only in your imagination) In reality it is much simpler, the big players see very well who invests where, and they see it perfectly well, and they stand on the same side, as it is more expensive to go against the wind.
What you call "events" are nothing more than mouse fights that have been going on for years and the money will not react to them in any way. The puppet exists only in your imagination) In reality it is much simpler, the big players see very well who invests where, and they see it perfectly well, and they stand on the same side, so against the wind it is more expensive.
nick lison, lemans see very well too ))
nick lison, lemans - also very well seen ))
A bank is originally a purely speculative institution and when the dough rolls in, many cannot resist adventurous ventures. There are hundreds of such examples, that's why I say that only a mentally ill person could put his money through a bank).
nick lison, lemans - also very well seen ))
A bank is originally a purely speculative institution and when the dough rolls in, many cannot resist adventurous ventures. There are hundreds of such examples, that's why I say that only a mentally ill person could put his money through a bank).
What you call "events" are nothing more than mouse fights that have been going on for years and money will not react to them in any way. The puppet exists only in your imagination) In reality it is much simpler, the big players see very well who invests where, and they see it perfectly well, and they stand on the same side, as it is more expensive to go against the wind.

How can they see, do they have some kind of access to all open positions? Or are they looking at futures and options reports or something else?

About the dolly, I didn't claim it exists, mind you.


How can they see, do they have some kind of access to all open positions? Or are they looking at futures and options reports or something else?

On the subject of the dummy, I didn't claim it existed, mind you.

Nah, the stochastics are watching)))
Nah, stochastics are watching)))
It's clear that it's not how many slips there have crossed up or down) You can get a more accurate picture.

То что вы называете "событиями" не более чем мышиная возня, продолжающаяся уже несколько лет, и деньги на них никак реагировать не будут. Кукл существует только в вашем воображении) На деле все намного проще, крупные игроки хорошо видят кто куда вкладывает деньги, а видят они это прекрасно, и они стоят на одной стороне, так как против ветра себе дороже.

Livermore called it basic conditions)

It's a long time since I read it, I don't remember) But there's a full description of where and what he was looking at.)