FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1934


so who's going to give us the knowledge?

It's a bit of nonsense with the pound today, I think it's time for the weekend...

so who's going to give us the knowledge?

Only HE!!!
It's a bit of a mess with the pound today, I think it's pores for the weekend...

The pores are opening and closing...

the organism, however...


pores open and close...

the organism, however...

Exactly - tiresome :)
Right - tiring : )
Хор Турецкого - Утомленное солнце
Хор Турецкого - Утомленное солнце
  • 2012.01.28
Фрагмент концерта, посвященного Дню полного освобождения Ленинграда от фашистской блокады С-Петербург, БКЗ, 27.01.12

for the lunekamikaze...

What's up with the Aussie again? I was just about to buy one.
So they tell everyone about their trades? I'm aghast))))

Well they write in their analysis what kind of positions they are taking like a sell at 1.1185 with a target .... sl. ...

I don't know if that's true.

I think there's some info on it here - but it's paid for.

there are sometimes analytical reviews from banks telling how they trade


Gandalf, how many dragons have you killed? )))))))

eFXplus | Major Banks’ FX Trade Positions at a Glance
eFXplus offers FX trade positions from major banks’ sell-side research. The featured banks include but are not limited to Goldman Sachs, Crédit Agricole, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, Danske, Crédit Suisse, Citibank, Barclays, BNP Paribas, JP Morgan Chase. All banks’ positions (open and limit orders) are tracked and updated...

and because the increase in quotations is mainly driven by private investors (according to Barron's, 90% of transactions on exchanges are conducted by them), with many playing on borrowed funds. According to the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges, margin debt reached a record $419bn on June 19; last Thursday it was $351bn, but a year ago it was just $65bn.

Шанхайская биржа замерла на краю «медвежьего рынка»
Шанхайская биржа замерла на краю «медвежьего рынка»
  • 2015.06.26
Китайский фондовый рынок рухнул в пятницу, увеличив начавшееся менее двух недель назад падение и подойдя к границе, за которой начинается «медвежий рынок». Длившееся более года ралли, одним из основных...