Questions from a "dummy" - page 103


The list of objects now has a List All button. Do I understand correctly that the objects created by the Expert Advisor and the user are now separated? That is, if the button is not pressed, the list displays only those objects created by the user.

Yes, now the property OBJPROP_HIDDEN is set for all objects created by the program (including the trading history and calendar events). In the list of all objects, we have a button to display them.

I have another question about stack overflow. Sometimes the Expert Advisor fails to load. Or rather, it is loaded and unloaded at once with this message. The reason is unclear, since it may or may not happen. Who knows what the reason may be?

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Hello. I want to write a code in MATLAB that would process an array of quotes written by an Expert Advisor to a txt file. Suddenly I ran into a problem. Matlab won't recognize records from txt file, created by Expert Advisor using FileOpen andFileWrite functions. Please share your ideas about what may be the reason for it? For example, if I see a txt file of quotes created by the Expert Advisor (the script) weighing 100 kb, I would like to remind that if I copy and paste records from the file into a new txt file, its weight is only 50 kb, but Matlab is already reading it. So there must be some correlation between the file not being read by Matlab and weighing twice as much. I'd really appreciate the advice!
If, say, the txt file of quotes created by the Expert Advisor (the script) weighs 100 kb, then if you copy and paste records from that file into a new txt file, it will weigh half as much, i.e. 50 kb, and Matlab will read it. So there must be some correlation between the file not being read by Matlab and weighing twice as much. I'd really appreciate the advice!

The problem is probably that the data is saved in UNICODE format. To save the data in ANSI format, add the FILE_ANSI flag to FileOpen, i.e. FileOpen(filename, ...) -> FileOpen(filename, ... | FILE_ANSI )


Can you give me a hint?

1. Situation: two processes periodically access a function which operates on the same memory space. Question: how can I prevent the function from being executed in different processes at the same time? GlobalVariableSetOnCondition() function doesn't count.

2. are the Expert Advisors in fives executed in parallel? In fours? (the answer to this question does not affect the relevance of the first one)


Can you give me a hint?

1. Situation: two processes periodically access a function which operates on the same memory space. Question: how can I prevent the function from being executed in different processes at the same time? GlobalVariableSetOnCondition() function doesn't count.

use e.g. semaphores

2. are the Expert Advisors in fives executed in parallel? In fours? (the answer to this question does not affect the relevance of the first one)

in both in parallel. each thread has its own thread.
Thank you.

The problem is probably that the data is saved in UNICODE format. To save data in ANSI format, add FILE_ANSI flag to FileOpen mode, i.e. FileOpen(filename, ...) -> FileOpen(filename, ... | FILE_ANSI )

Indeed, that was the problem. Now everything works, matlab reads the quotes. Thanks!
Comrades, ran into a problem: in the terminal long takes 8 bytes, in Visual C++ long takes 4 bytes. How can it be? No standards?
Comrades, I faced a problem: in the terminal long takes 8 bytes, in Visual C++ long takes 4 bytes. How can it be? No standards?
Use __int64 type in C++
Use __int64 type in C++
Thanks, looks like it's time to burn great-grandfather's book ))))