Questions from a "dummy" - page 277

Oleg Tsarkov:
Can you tell me how to run an executable from an EA or a script, I can't find it...

Only through the win api

www.ПЕРВЫЕ ШАГИ.ru :: Шаг 131 - CreateProcess
На данный момент это основная функция запуска процесса, все остальные функции такие как WinExec и LoadModule оставлены для совместимости и используют CreateProcess. Описание lpApplicationName. Указатель на строку которая заканчивается нулем и содержит имя выполняемого модуля. Этот параметр может быть NULL тогда имя модуля должно быть в...
Hello Hello, how to transfer money to a trading account have looked through, reread, but I have not found a navigator that everyone is talking about help people kindly
How to transfer the money to your trading account after I have read over and over again, but I have not found the navigator that everyone is talking about Help the good people

You can only open a demo account on this site. Real trading is not provided.


Hi all. How can I take the values of variables A, B, C from a text file and if there is such a variable in the program, set it to a new value from the file.

Now this procedure is done with separate lines of code for each variable


void ParamGet(int numLine, string nameParam, T &param)
      string value = this.getParamCSV(numLine,nameParam);
      if(this.lastError) return;
      string gebugstr= "Параметр "+nameParam+" старое зн.=";
      string strValue;      
         strValue = DoubleToStr(param) ;
      else if(typename(param)=="int") 
         strValue = IntegerToString(param) ; 
      param = (T)value;  
      gebugstr+=strValue+" нов.="+value;

i.e. the variable name can be used to access the variable itself and read/set its value

ideally, such a function call


inside the function, first check if the variable exists, find out its type, read it from the file and set a new value.

Who can help: I bought an indicator and installed it on my computer, but I can't install it on my phone (IOS)
Who can help: I bought an indicator and installed it on my computer, but I can't install it on my phone (IOS)

Advisors and custom indicators can only work on a computer.