Questions from a "dummy" - page 232

papaklass: Generally, order execution is the broker's prerogative...

By the way, an important addition. A situation from three years ago at a bank comes to mind:

The asset price was rising with some chatter. Purely by accident I assumed a price decrease not lower than .65 and placed two limit buy orders at that level two hours apart at 0.65 (one to close the existing sell position). The price actually touched that level in the process of "collecting stops" and headed back up. Only one order triggered at the price 0.65, the Sell position was successfully closed. I called the bank three hours later and asked why the second order did not trigger. The bank apologised and opened a Buy position at 0.65.


Yedelkin,papaklass,sergeev thanks for the answers. I will ask the broker's technical support, but I don't expect an honest answer from them. For them everything will be idealistic and they will advise me as profitable for them but not for me.

Påñå: In general the question arose in relation to the idea of future trading strategy, which opens, increases / decreases, closes completely, depending on the probability which gives the system forecasting, only through market orders(Market Execution), without targets and stops, well maybe with a stop, but somewhere oooh-very far. If I'm a beginner, it seems to me technically easier to do without requotes and spread orders which are in fact all the same without any effect if the forecast is wrong.

In choosing a broker, you are the "mastermind of your own fortune". :)
So far my choice has fallen on Roboforex, despite the fact that its quotes are scary((( But it turns out that so far it's the only one I can deal with via mt5. I would have chosen Alpari for sure, but alas.

Going back to your original question. If you are interested, try to find answers to these leading questions:

1. Can a limit order fail if the market price touched the opening (triggering) price of that order?

2. Can a market order fail if the market price touched the open (trigger) price of that order?

3. What order type (market or limit order) does theTake Profit order refer toin the MT5 platform?

Then it is easier to assess whether the broker/dealer imposes any restrictions/special features during the order execution or "it is supposed to be like that".


Going back to your original question. If you are interested, try to find answers to these leading questions:

1. Can a limit order fail if the market price touched the opening (triggering) price of that order?

2. Can a market order fail if the market price touched the open (trigger) price of that order?

3. What order type (market or limit order) does theTake Profit order refer toin the MT5 platform?

Then it will be easier to assess if the particular broker/dealer imposes any restrictions/special features during the order execution, or "it should be so".


2) Market Execution will work either way, the only question is the slippage.

3) I am not an expert in classification. My understanding is that all orders except the market ones are pending.

And the question was about slippage on the real, market order sent at the time when the price had a certain value and limit triggered at this price supposedly automatically by the broker. In the first case, the market order is sent from the terminal and the probability of the favorable continuation of the trend is calculated; in the second case, it has already been sent to the server at a fixed price in advance. It is logical to suppose that the one which is already with the broker will be executed faster since it has already been received and only the order sent must firstly reach the server and secondly be processed by the broker. But ideally this is the case. There is a lot of information about severe slippage and non-fulfillment of limit orders. So I wonder what is the point of them then?But perhaps the above said gentlemen were right saying that this question is not about the terminal or MQL5 experts but about the broker and it is hardly a verbal question)))) I have to test it.

I just expected that someone would share some secret information, for example, say that so-and-so broker so-and-so ... But the idea of finding truthful information of this nature, is naive. Everyone who practices MLM at some broker, right there and offer it.

Honestly, only traders' relatives or closefriends can tell about it.

Alex_Bondar: 1)Maybe.
Answer counts :)
Alex_Bondar : 2) Market Execution, will work either way, slippage is the only issue.

The answer is not valid. The question was about market orders "in principle". Especially, that in Market Execution mode (Market Execution mode), the orders do not have an "open price" at all, which was mentioned in the question... Don't mind my being a bit annoying - it will only help you :)

Alex_Bondar : 3) I am not an expert in the subtleties of classification, in my understanding, all except the market one are pending.

We have not received an answer to the question yet. I will correct the wording of my question: what order type (market or limit order) does theTake Profit order belong toin the MT5 platform? It should belong somewhere :)

Alex_Bondar I just expected that someone would share a secret information, for example, say that so-and-so broker so-and-so ... But the idea of finding truthful information of this nature is naive. Everyone who practices MLM at some broker, right there and offer it. Honestly, only traders' relatives or closefriends can tell about it.

My humble opinion is that no one shares such "secret" information for the simple reason that he does not see any overture of "secrecy" in it :)

Answer credited :)

The answer did not count. The question was about market orders "in principle". Especially since orders in Market Execution mode do not have an "opening price" at all, which was mentioned in the question... Don't mind some of my boringness - it will only benefit you :)

No answer to the question yet. I would like to correct my question: what type of order (market or limit order) doTake Profit orderson MT5 platform belong to? It must belong somewhere :)

My humble opinion comes down to the fact that no one shares such "secret" information for the simple reason that he does not see in it any overtone of "secrecy" :)

OK. If unequivocally, the answers to your questions are as follows:

1) Can.

2) Can't.

3) To the limit.

On the subject of "secrecy" you may be right and I'm asking stupid questions. But so far I don't think so. Only practice will show whether which ideas make sense.


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possible loss of data due to type conversion    SIGNALS FROM 3.mq5      124     11
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Документация по MQL5: Основы языка / Типы данных / Целые типы / Типы char, short, int и long
Документация по MQL5: Основы языка / Типы данных / Целые типы / Типы char, short, int и long
Основы языка / Типы данных / Целые типы / Типы char, short, int и long - Документация по MQL5