Errors, bugs, questions - page 614


What do you think? Is it worth updating the terminal if there was no official announcement?

here:List of changes in MetaTrader 5 Client Terminal builds

I have wanted to update several times, I have not updated yet.

It seems to be working stably.
I repeat, reliano can not find the answer, please advise, I need to use this construct void RAssignStringVector(int rhandle, string variable, string &vector[], int size);compiles generate error 'vector' - invalid parameter for import function mt4R.mqh, how do I pass a pointer to an array of strings, in mkl4 it works, not in 5, how to deal with this situation?

It says in the help:

Calling imported functions

To import functions at runtime of an mql5 program, early binding is used. It means that if there is a call of an imported function in the program, the corresponding module (ex5 or dll) is loaded during program loading. MQL5 and DLL libraries are executed in the thread of the calling module.

. . .

Passing parameters

All parameters of simple types are passed by value, unless it is explicitly stated that they are passed by reference. When a string is passed, the address of the buffer of the copied string is passed; if a string is passed by reference, the buffer address of that string is passed to the function that is imported from the DLL without copying.

Structures containing dynamic arrays, strings, classes, other complex structures, as well as static or dynamic arrays of the listed objects cannot be passed as a parameter to the imported function.

When passing an array into a DLL, the address of the beginning of the data buffer is always passed (regardless of the AS_SERIES flag). The function inside DLL knows nothing about AS_SERIES flag, passed array is static array of unknown length, use additional parameter to specify array size.

Thanks for the answer, I understand that you can't just pass a string, but I'm trying to pass a pointer to a string sting &vector[], and then the size of this string, so why did it work correctly in 4ka?
Thanks for the answer, I understand that you can't just pass a string, but I'm trying to pass a pointer to the string sting &vector[], and then the size of this string, so why did it work correctly in 4ka?

Instead of

sting &vector[]

it should be

sting vector



Как вы думаете? Стоит ли обновлять терминал если не было официальных анонсов?

здесь: Список изменений в билдах MetaTrader 5 Client Terminal

У меня несколько раз хотел обновиться, пока не обновлял.

Lizar: It seems to be working stably.

Maybe MetaQuotes is testing us using the Alexander Elder method? )))

I updated to 567 today. The terminal did not want to reboot. The antivirus module was loading a lot. CPU was 100% loaded. The terminal still couldn't boot until I disabled the antivirus. Rebooted. Build 567. )))


Question to terminal developers: What is this unannounced build 567 that all your users are asking for and at least two already have it installed?

If the application is closed, it has been reviewed, the error has been corrected and it is no longer answered (I can leave my comments)? But, for example, order 288749 is closed and the error has not been corrected. This error comes from the request "Errors, MetaTrader 5 MQL, Closed, Started: 2011.11.16 16:45, #270068", where it was closed 2011.11.21 17:24 with an indication that it was fixed in the next build. I opened a new request "Errors, MetaTrader 5 MQL, Opened, Started: 2011.12.11 14:00, #288749". Do I have to open a new request again?
If the application is closed, it has been reviewed, the error has been corrected and it is no longer answered (I can leave my comments)? But, for example, order 288749 is closed and the error has not been corrected. This error comes from the request "Errors, MetaTrader 5 MQL, Closed, Started: 2011.11.16 16:45, #270068", where it was closed 2011.11.21 17:24 with an indication that it was fixed in the next build. I opened a new request "Errors, MetaTrader 5 MQL, Opened, Started: 2011.12.11 14:00, #288749". Do I have to open a new request again?
You have a work in progress. But I do not see your reply to my question

Maybe MetaQuotes is testing us using the Alexander Elder method? )))

I upgraded to 567 today. Terminal did not want to reboot. The antivirus module was loading a lot. CPU was 100% loaded. Terminal still couldn't boot until I disabled the antivirus. Rebooted. Build 567. )))


Question to the developers of the terminal: What is this unannounced build 567 that all your users are asking for and at least two already have it installed?

I had a quick update to 567, didn't notice any problems. Flight is normal. :)

Maybe MetaQuotes is testing us using the Alexander Elder method? )))

I updated to 567 today. I did not want to reboot. The antivirus module was loading a lot. CPU was 100% loaded. The terminal still couldn't boot until I disabled the antivirus. Rebooted. Build 567. )))


Question to the developers of the terminal: What is this unannounced build 567 that all your users are asking for and at least two already have it installed?

also 567 installed yesterday
Your application is being worked on. But I don't see you answering the question on the application
I sent the logs the day before yesterday. I'll answer it now... somehow I missed it... because you wrote that you reproduced the error.