Errors, bugs, questions - page 613

That's the way it is now. I looked at several brokers, some do not work at all today and those who do have spreads widened a lot. This is probably because many banks are not working today - the rollover is from the 25th. Therefore, the market is illiquid - impossible to trade short term - today was a wasted day for me. Tomorrow everything should be back to normal.
Yes, today is a hypnotically mesmerising flat. You can start the terminal and meditate...

Yesterday, 25 December, I had the terminal automatically update to build 565. Just now the update has downloaded again and the terminal is asking me to install them and reboot. Rebooted. Build 565.

Question: why was the update downloaded and installed twice? )) By the way, this happens periodically with some updates...

The wheels were new, but they forgot to inflate them :) they were on their way back.

Yesterday, 25 December, I had the terminal automatically update to build 565. Just now the update has downloaded again and the terminal is asking me to install them and reboot. Rebooted. Build 565.

Question: why was the update downloaded and installed twice? )) By the way, this happens periodically with some updates...

I have upgraded to 567, MQ server.
I have upgraded to 567, MQ server.
I repeat, I really can't find the answer, can you please advise me, I need to use the construct void RAssignStringVector(int rhandle, string variable, string &vector[], int size);compiling generates error 'vector' - invalid parameter for import function mt4R.mqh, how can I pass a string array pointer, it works in µl4, not in 5, how to deal with this situation?
I repeat, I really can't find the answer, could you please advise me, I need to use the void RAssignStringVector(int rhandle, string variable, string &vector[], int size);at compiling an error 'vector' - invalid parameter for import function mt4R.mqh, how can I pass a pointer to an array of strings, it works in mq4, not in 5, how to handle this situation?

I also need implementation of RAssignStringVector function, at least how it is declared in mt4R.mqh and its call itself.

You most likely have a mismatch between the declaration and the passed parameter.

... void RAssignStringVector(int rhandle, string variable, string &vector[], int size); ...
Try it without parentheses or show me what you do... (insert code through the SRC).

Thank you for responding, this is the prototype function from the dll, the compilation fails, the prototype

void RAssignVector(int rhandle, string variable, double &vector[], int size); compiles without problems

but the prototype

void RAssignStringVector(int rhandle, string variable, string &vector[], int size);

gives an error 'vector' - invalid parameter for import function mt4R.mqh

for some reason, a construct like double &vector[] works, but string &vector[] does not

here is the code from the dll of these functions

procedure RAssignVector(AHandle: LongInt; AVariable: PWideChar; AVector: PVector; ASize: LongInt); stdcall

if isValid(AHandle) then
TRConsole(AHandle).AssignVector(AVariable, AVector, ASize);

// assign vector of strings to variable given by name
procedure RAssignStringVector(AHandle: LongInt; AVariable: PWideChar; AVector: PStrVector; ASize: LongInt); stdcall;
If isValid(AHandle) then
TRConsole(AHandle).AssignStringVector(AVariable, AVector, ASize);


What may be the problem? Incorrect passing of type string? But it all works fine in mt4, is this a bug in mt5 or my brain?)

Документация по MQL5: Основы языка / Функции
Документация по MQL5: Основы языка / Функции
Основы языка / Функции - Документация по MQL5
I have upgraded to 567, MQ server.

What do you think? Is it worth updating the terminal if there was no official announcement?

here:List of changes in MetaTrader 5 Client Terminal builds

I've had a few times wanting to update, haven't upgraded yet.