Errors, bugs, questions - page 612

How can I prepare in advance a string with logical(?) enumeration like: OBJ_PERIOD_M10| OBJ_PERIOD_H4, and then just substitute in ObjectSetInteger () ready variable in the form of glued string? I tried to glue it together symbolically and then wrap it in StringToInteger(), but it did not work... BecauseOBJ_PERIOD_... - is an element of enum type but has the flag hex-equivalent of int type? This enumeration looks more like bitwise OR operation...
What is the purpose of gluing enumerations anyway?

you use the same ENUM_TIMEFRAMES. what's that to you?

Yes, its elements are lurking somewhere in the depths of the language (class, structure, array, some single-type category...?), I have to take a specific name out of my head and use it. If I need to use a set, I get the set out of my head and manually type in each name of the list I'm trying to access. If I work in a loop, I have to start my own array and fill it with the same names, i.e. to add to my code a bloated block of code with a set of names in the array; while I'd rather not start anything and fill it with the same copies, but simply address the listed store of timeframe names, included in the language, without having to remember their exact names and enumerate them by hand. Something like MQLTFnamesArray[i], where i exactly corresponds to the index number of timeframe from 1 to 21.
What's the purpose of gluing the enumerations together anyway?

Well, I've already done that with bloating my own code with an "extra" block of manual name enumeration. It's a shame to have to bloat your own code with what can and should be stored inside the language.

Документация по MQL5: Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Константы объектов / Видимость объектов
Документация по MQL5: Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Константы объектов / Видимость объектов
Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Константы объектов / Видимость объектов - Документация по MQL5
Something like: MQLTFnamesArray[i] where i exactly corresponds to the timeframe index from 1 to 21.

Who told you that in the 666 build MQLTFnamesArray[0] will not move to position 5?

You have gone the right way - transferred all enumerations to your array.

ENUM_es = it's an enum. A predefined list.

So, yes, a predefined list of constant names.

don't overcomplicate it)


And who told you that in 666 build MQLTFnamesArray[0] will not move to position 5?

You went the right way - you moved all enumerations to your array.

Well, it's upside down again. At first we cannot ask developers to add non-standard timeframes (I and many others miss timeframes older than MN1, especially in the past year the market has reached global extremums and we have an inevitable need to see what the future holds for the market oriented on the zero bar), and now we have an intentional concern about renumbering something that is not going to change in the platform for next hundred years.

But never mind. At least it works that way - that's the bread and butter.


If you have a specific proposal and proposed implementation, then write to servicedesk.

let the developers decide for themselves how many years this will not change.

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If you have a specific proposal and proposed implementation, then write to servicedesk.

let the developers decide for themselves how many years it won't change.

I would first get to know in detail why the developers themselves are brushing off user suggestions to expand the set of timeframes... Somehow it seems to me that it's not about the complexity of technical implementation, but about some deeply personal ideological taboo about it.

P.S.: but the recent MQ interview with Elder, who cheerfully hangs out on 25 minutes, is hilarious... One can only speculate about the platform...

I also get the impression that MQs don't even want to talk about topics that people really care about. Of course not everything has to be accepted, but at least we can talk, right? And so against the wall. Why would the servicedesk need users to suggest the colour of some buttons?

Unrealistically big spreads:

On AlpariFS server GBPUSD 648, USDCHF 110

GBPUSD 168, USDCHF 185 on MQ-Demo

All other symbols are in the normal range.

Is it a peculiarity of the thin market or a bug in MetaTrader 5?

Pound seems to have calmed down now, but spreads on Canadian and Aussie are 88 and 61 correspondingly. Swiss is still stuck with 185 pips spread.

It is now. I thought my broker widened spreads especially for me. I looked at several brokers, some brokers do not work today at all and those who do have spreads widened greatly. I feel relieved...

This is probably due to the fact that many banks are not working today - the transfer from the 25th. Therefore, the market is illiquid - impossible to trade short term - today was a wasted day for me. Tomorrow everything should be back to normal.