Errors, bugs, questions - page 3071


"when the focus switches to the EA chart" - so I do. No hidden inputs.

Hidden input - missing quantifier 'always' -))))))

"when the focus switches to the EA chart" - so I do. No hidden inputs.

And this.

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Errors, bugs, questions

fxsaber, 2021.08.24 13:08

  1. Run on two charts.
  2. Maximize one.
  3. Minimize both.
  4. Now switch tabs between charts and watch the logs.
Doesn't work, unfortunately.

If you switch over the normally deployed charts, everything works fine.

Click on the picture.


"when the focus switches to the EA chart" - so I do. No hidden inputs.

That's right: when the focus switches to the minimised EA chart.
Artyom Trishkin:
The correct way is: when focus is switched to the minimized EA chart.

Correct is when it always works. Why do you need code that works in some cases and doesn't work in others?

ZZY Trivial things through ChartGetInteger and static at once did. The problem there is that CHART_CHANGE is not always generated when focus is lost. All in all, seems to be an unsolvable problem.


Correct is when it always works. Why do you need code that works in some cases and doesn't work in others?

ZZY Trivial things through ChartGetInteger and static at once did. The problem there is that CHART_CHANGE is not always generated when focus is lost. All in all, seems to be an unsolvable problem.

I'm talking about the correctness of the condition, not the work. Of course I agree that it should always work.

Correct is when it always works. Why do you need code that works in some cases and doesn't work in others?

ZZY Trivial things through ChartGetInteger and static at once did. The problem there is that CHART_CHANGE is not always generated when focus is lost. All in all, it seems to be an unsolvable problem.

The problem seems to be not in the code, but OnChartEvent() event doesn't work in an incomplete window.

Clicking into the picture...

Alexey Viktorov:

It doesn't seem to be a code problem, but the OnChartEvent() event in an incompletely deployed window doesn't work.

+ problem with fully deployed charts, which were previously minimized.

Too bad it didn't work for unfolded charts in the general case.


+ the problem of fully expanded charts, which were previously minimised.

I wish I could have solved it for deployed charts in the general case.

In this case, if we switch to a third chart that doesn't have this EA on it, everything is enabled and starts working without any problems.

We should also try to activate the event click on the chart. Maybe it will give an impulse and everything will start working...

Alexey Viktorov:

You should also try the chart click event. Maybe it will give a boost and everything will start working...

I myself switch between charts with hotkeys - via BRING_TO_TOP.

Developers, please provide an option to disable the regular mouse pointer in the active window area, so that you can draw your own.