Errors, bugs, questions - page 2369


The MetaEditor shortcut has disappeared. Didn't do anything to the computer, it was off all holidays. I'll put up a new shortcut or reinstall it. Just so you know.

Windows 7 Home Base 64.



Bug: its cause is unclear, something is broken in the compiler. It appears in that in one situation the indicator is created, in another situation it is not, though the parameters are correct.

The code for the test, it's in the attached file:

void OnStart()
   MqlParam         parameters[];
   MqlParam         parameters1[];
   string s1;
   for(int id=37;id<=39;id++) //Баг есть при id<=37. При верных параметрах, индикатор не создаётся
 //for(int id=38;id<=39;id++) //В данной ситуации баг не проявляется(индикатор создаётся)
      int ind_handle=IndicatorCreate(Symbol(),Period(),ENUM_INDICATOR(id));
      int params_count=IndicatorParameters(ind_handle,ind_id,parameters);
      for(int i2=0;i2<params_count;i2++)
      for(int i1=0;i1<params_count;i1++)
            for(int i2=parameters[i1].integer_value-1;i2>=-1;i2--)
                  if(id==39)//Выводим параметры при которых индикатор не создался и только для индикатора FRAMA
                     s1=EnumToString(ENUM_INDICATOR(id))+" Параметров "+string(params_count)+":  ";
                     for(int i3=0;i3<params_count;i3++)//В терминале, при ручном перетаскивании индикатора, отображаются 3 параметра, тут 2
                        s1=s1+string(parameters1[i3].integer_value)+"  ";

Log of last lines, parameters :

indicator Fractal Adaptive Moving Average cannot load [4002]
IND_FRAMA Параметров 2:  13  1  
indicator Fractal Adaptive Moving Average cannot load [4804]
IND_FRAMA Параметров 2:  14  0  
test2.mq5  4 kb

Build 1970 compilation error

//| Read an structure                                                |
template<typename T>
uint CFileBin::ReadStruct(T &data)
//--- check handle
      return(FileReadStruct(m_handle,data)); // 'data' cannot be used as it has undefined type 'BitmapHeader'  FileBin.mqh     488     38
//--- failure

Syntax highlighting, in particular for macros declared in plugin mqh modules, suffers greatly in the built-in editor (i.e. highlighting more often doesn't work than it does, unless the macro is declared in the current module, even though everything compiles without errors, of course). And even the tooltip works when you start typing a macro, but there's no highlighting anyway.

Sometimes it's very frustrating, maybe there's a tip for that?


CodaBase not correct website

Moderators! You've got to be kidding me!? No editing or processing of photos, all according to the rules, and the error occurs after checking the photo for verification. A bunch of different photos have already been taken and sent in. And you're ignoring it! Fix the site or have you spilled coffee on the keyboard?! Who is there to personally write to and sort it out! I'm not angry enough already!
Tatjana Anpilova:
Moderators! You've got to be kidding me! No editing and photo processing, all according to the rules, and the error occurs after checking the photo for verification. A bunch of different photos have already been taken and sent. And you're ignoring it! Fix the site or have you spilled coffee on the keyboard?! Who is there to write in person and sort it out! I'm not angry enough already!

Try without make-up, there's a robot watching, he doesn't need your beauty.

Tatjana Anpilova:
Moderators! You've got to be kidding me!? I haven't edited or processed photos, all according to rules and error occurs after check photo for verification. A bunch of different photos have already been taken and sent in. And you're ignoring it! Fix the site or have you spilled coffee on the keyboard?! Who is there to personally write to and sort it out! Already angry enough!

Do you have the same face on the document and in the QR code photo? This is important.

And so correctly noted above - there are no moderators, there are no people: there is a robot.
Vladimir Karputov:

Do you have the same face on the document and in the QR code photo? That's important.

And so correctly noted above - there are no moderators, there are no people there: there is a robot.

Yes. Well, the photo in the passport has most likely been edited when the photographer took the passport photo.

Another question. I accidentally deleted my own signal and now I can't re-create or restore it, I receive an error saying that such a signal has already been registered.

Tatjana Anpilova:


Another question. I accidentally deleted my own signal and now I can't re-create or restore it, I get an error saying that such signal has already been registered.

Read the rules of the service Signals. From cover to cover.