Errors, bugs, questions - page 210


This window is informative, non-modal and does not block the GUI.

When it appears, you can control other programme windows, invoke other dialogs (e.g. trading), etc.

Of course, this window does not block in any way the operation of EAs or scripts - they continue to work, using any functions of the terminal.

Yes but then I get another window "Allow next program to make changes on this computer". Does it work in this case too or not?
Does this window appear after pressing one of the window buttons or automatically as soon as the information window appears?
Changes are only made to the system after pressing the confirmation button or on the restart of the terminal after a failure.
thank you for the clarification

I wanted to use MQL5 to take a picture of the current active terminal window (a chart), so I made a script.

//|                                                   ScreenShot.mq5 |
//|                                               Copyright olyakish |
//|                                     |
#property copyright "olyakish"
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"
//| Script program start function                                    |
void OnStart()

   int pos=(int)ChartGetInteger(0,CHART_FIRST_VISIBLE_BAR,0);
   bool res=ChartNavigate(0,CHART_END,pos);
   if(!res) Print("Navigate failed. Error = ",GetLastError());
   if(res) Print("Navigate good. = ",GetLastError(),"  pos=",pos);

                   0,// идентификатор графика
                   "screen.gif",// имя файла
                   576,// высота
                   ALIGN_LEFT      // тип выравнивания


Logs of "Expert" tab when trying to take pictures of different parts of history

2010.11.27 20:21:25     ScreenShot (GBPUSD,H1)  Navigate good. = 0  pos=266
2010.11.27 20:18:24     ScreenShot (GBPUSD,H1)  Navigate good. = 0  pos=164
2010.11.27 20:17:25     ScreenShot (GBPUSD,H1)  Navigate good. = 0  pos=153
2010.11.27 20:13:40     ScreenShot (GBPUSD,H1)  Navigate good. = 0

But the result is always the same.

As I understand it does not "truly" shift the chart to the specified position and then make a picture of the area of interest.


Build 360. The problem with saving test results in OpenXML format remains. In Task Manager the application is "not responding", CPU load is 100%, waiting for 50 minutes.

After 1 hour and 10 minutes there is a message in log window "Tools":

2010.11.27 21:58:13 MemoryException 179506944 bytes not available

file not created.


After 1 hour and 10 minutes, a message in the Tools window log:

2010.11.27 21:58:13 MemoryException 179506944 bytes not available

file not created.

I had a similar message when the amount of information stored in the file exceeded some allowable size. That is, the requested file did not hold all the test results to be saved and I was trying to save/open the file.

1. How do I drag a table from the "strategy tester" -"optimisation results" into Excel?

2. it would be good to be able to draw a graph based on the columns of this table.


1. How do I drag a table from the "strategy tester" - "optimisation results" into Excel?

2. it would be good to be able to draw a graph based on the columns of this table.

Is this what you mean? h ttps://

Как сохранить таблицу с результатами подгонки тестером стратегий
Как сохранить таблицу с результатами подгонки тестером стратегий
Как сохранить таблицу с результатами подгонки тестером стратегий.

1. The"strategy tester"-"chart" shows the abscissa axis marks to the nearest day. This is not much if we test on M1. All marks appear to be the same. Please correct it.

2. The marks on the abscissa axis are not good on the main chart of the course as well. Why draw "26 Nov 03:32 26 Nov 03:48..... 26 Nov 06:44"? "26 Nov" is enough to be written once. the numbers make my eyes water and there is zero information.


Is this what you mean? h ttps://

I am. Thank you. At what point is this file saved? The file, however, does not save the "pass" column.