Errors, bugs, questions - page 377


Is it possible to add gold and silver to the list of instruments?

I am grateful in advance.

I raised this question a long time ago, as well as the other currency pairs (only I have 20 currency pairs in trading).

So far, silence. Although, one can understand the developers, it is difficult enough (we have to negotiate with market makers and suppliers of quotes, search for history at the right depth, etc.), and no one canceled payment for this case.

And it would also be nice to have the basic indices...

Question to developers - Are there still plans to add the ability to work with basic network protocols (ftp and others)?

Please add the missing history from around 18:30 on 28.04.2011 to 22:00 on 28.04. 2011. There are missing bars for all pairs.

Thank you in advance.


Please add the missing history from around 18:30 on 28.04.2011 to 22:00 on 28.04. 2011. There are missing bars for all pairs.

Thanks in advance.

And there are gaps before that. Exactly where no longer remember, but a couple of times came across (after 2000 when I checked the 10 minutes). Someone from MQ needs (maybe not - I don't know) to check each candle in detail in the history.
between pressing the debug button and setting the cursor to a breakpoint sometimes takes up to a minute, and sometimes a couple of seconds, is this normal?

Worked in VirtualBox today. Due to inaccessibility of my favourite editor, I had to edit the project in MetaEditor. At the end of the day, the ME "dropped out", complaining that it couldn't write to memory (I didn't save screenshots). And when I reopened the edited file I fell out - it was pristine, cleaner and more transparent than a baby's tears, file size 0.

The bottom line is that ME has no backup (autosave), and any accident can be very expensive. And manually backing up every few minutes is not good at all.

PS. At least I had something to restore the file from.


Worked in VirtualBox today. Due to inaccessibility of my favourite editor, I had to edit the project in MetaEditor. At the end of the day, the ME "dropped out", complaining that it couldn't write to memory (I didn't save screenshots). And when I reopened the edited file I fell out - it was pristine, cleaner and more transparent than a baby's tears, the file size was 0.

Did it have room on the drive?

The point is that ME has no backup (autosave), and any accident can be very expensive. And manually backing up every few minutes is not good at all.

We will try to solve this problem fundamentally.


1) Was there space on the drive?

2) This problem will try to be resolved fundamentally.

1) There was still plenty of disk space. While the system was running, it gave a warning that the swap file would be expanded and programs might not be able to access it (the swap file) - it was running out of free RAM. After a minute or two the terminal crashed with an error message.

2) Thank you.

Документация по MQL5: Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Коды ошибок и предупреждений / Ошибки компиляции
Документация по MQL5: Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Коды ошибок и предупреждений / Ошибки компиляции
Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Коды ошибок и предупреждений / Ошибки компиляции - Документация по MQL5
I am interested to know which formula is used to calculate the weighted average price to open a position in MT5 when adding positions to an existing position, both forwards and backwards?
I am interested to know which formula is used to calculate the weighted average price of opening a position in MT5 when adding positions to an existing one, both forwards and backwards?

If I remember correctly, it is approximately like this, at least I got this example in communication with the developers

Position Price = (Deal1*Volume1+...DealN*VolumeN)/(Volume1+...+VolumeN)