Wishes for MT5 - page 85


I support all of the above.


Of all the pluses, no one has answered the straightforward question: What's the convenience?

You write the directive #include and a list of 300 files pops up, and you start scrolling through it looking for the necessary one, files are all in general list, both local and global includes (otherwise it won't work), or only global (then you have problems with local ones), or only local (then you have problems with global ones). In short, a lot of hassle, and all for what? What's the over-objective? To automate (to make for one click), what you can do with two clicks of a keyboard?

I am not convinced yet, Ctrl+C --> Ctrl+V and that's it. From 3000 lines of code, this need occurs 5-10 times.

You'd better improve for substitution, if you create a nested for, it is not i but j.

and when you create a class with tab, you won't be able to copy and paste the name so that it changes in the constructor and destructor at once.

Imho, these points are more relevant.

What's the point in persuading someone? Perhaps the interface of text files is much more convenient to you than rich features of modern IDEs - whatever is convenient to someone. For example, for me writing code of three thousand lines is disrespectful to those who will read it next time, for example, to myself tomorrow...

Although I've seen masterpieces containing 30000 lines, when opening them the environment "hangs" for a couple of minutes and after making changes it takes about thirty seconds to figure out what actually happened.

And what is relevant to you personally is very much like a whim. Although, perhaps I'm wrong.


Local or global files/folders depends on whether it starts with '' '' or ''<''

For example, with me it would look like this:

I type <, the list comes up:




Entering further into C, I'm left with a list:


I keep typing So, there's a list:


I press inter, it comes up:


and then the list pops up:



I select GA\.

The list of files pops up:

C_UGA old.mqh


I choose C_UGA.mqh. It turns out to be a ready directive:


It is simple, clear and fast. Even if you have thousands of folders and files, this way it's very easy to choose what you need.

ZZY. And there is something to be improved, and it doesn't matter in what sequence there will be improvements, as long as they are there in general. By the way, I'm not a professional programmer and I'm having a hard time keeping track of the whole project, so I almost don't use ME now, as it has very weak capabilities to control classes, functions and other things in the project.

But, I don't give up hope that with time, ME will grow to that point:

Now here's a thoughtful suggestion, all sensible and worked out.

I support all of the above.

What is the point of convincing someone? Perhaps the interface of text files is much more convenient to you than rich capabilities of modern IDEs, whatever is convenient to you. For example, for me to write code of three thousand lines is a disrespect to those who will read it afterwards, for example, to myself tomorrow...

Although I've seen masterpieces containing 30000 lines, when opening them the environment "hung up" for a couple of minutes and after making changes it took thirty seconds to figure out what actually happened.

And what is relevant to you, is very similar to whims. I may be wrong though.

I used to copy for and too. Now I'm hooked on Tab, but I have to regularly replace i with j, which is rather urgent.

I have the same problem with creating a class, I make up a name, type it in, it looks unreadable, I corrected it, but now it's good, you copy it and write class-->Tab, but if you paste the copied name, then you have to paste it two more times instead of constructor and destructor. This doesn't take long, but you have to do it often, much more often than plugging in the inline.

3000 lines was meant in total with all inluders.

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  • 2012.06.01
  • MetaQuotes Software Corp.
  • www.mql5.com
Вы не знаете, как устроены торговые классы, и пугаетесь слов "Объектно-ориентированное программирование"? На самом деле вовсе не обязательно всё это знать, чтобы написать свой собственный модуль торговых сигналов - достаточно следовать простым правилам. Всё остальное сделает Мастер MQL5, и вы получите готовый торговый робот!

I don't give up hope that in time, ME will grow to that point:

joo, tell me please, what kind of editor is this?

I used to copy for, too, but now I have to regularly interrupt i with j, I think it's quite relevant.

The same problem with creating a class, you think up a name, type it in, it looks unreadable, correct it, now it's good, you copy it and write class-->Tab, but if you paste the copied name, then you have to paste it twice more in place of the constructor and destructor. It's not so long, but you have to do it often, much more often than plugging in the inluder.

I meant 3000 strings in total with all inluders.

I'll join you in that, too. What you are talking about is very similar to refactoring functionality (Rename Variable, Rename Class), which is also available in most IDEs, a very useful and helpful thing.

The mechanism of snippets or user-configurable code templates is also very handy; they would be good for loops with different iterated variables, by the way.


I used to copy for as well, but now I have to regularly interrupt i with j, which I think is quite relevant.

This is how it works: you type "for" - there is a template for for with a frame. Use keys "up/down" to move the frame, grabbing needed parts, they will automatically appear inside our for. Neither { nor } will ever be forgotten, everything is in its place with simultaneous background styling of the code:


Same trouble with creating a class, you think up a name, you type it in, it looks unreadable, you correct it, now it's fine, you copy it and write class-->Tab, but if you paste the copied name, then you have to paste it twice more in place of constructor and destructor. It's not long, but you have to do it often, much more often than plugging in the inline.

It fits the new request in this thread. And this operation is called "refactoring" - you can change the name of a class, function, variable, etc., and it is not the same as replacement. The name will change everywhere, in all project files, including where calls by this name occur.


And at the same time two more wishes, demonstrated in the following screenshot:

1. Syntax highlighting. The corresponding (customizable) colours are highlighted:

global, local, function input variables, static functions, classa methods, etc.

Public, private, protec-ted methods.

by type of variables.

In general, all distinctions of access type and variable type should be highlighted with corresponding colour. This way you won't forget anything and won't confuse anything.

2. When hovering the cursor over a variable, class name, function, etc., the description that the user typed in after // will appear

Please tellme, what kind of editor is this?

I won't say (not out of malice, but out of respect for MQ).

They release a separate editor (with support for more than 50 programming languages, if I'm not mistaken, including custom programming languages like I have MQL5 with the ability to connect the appropriate compilers), and separate add-ons for VisualStudio (sort of no longer) and for Eclipse.

Maybe MQ should conclude a contract with this company to release an add-in for ME. It would kill a herd of birds with one stone: save human resources of the company, satisfy user demand, attract additional users to the platform (any revolutionary innovation and expansion of the functionality attracts attention of users too).


I won't tell (not out of spite but out of respect for MQ)...

Can I say it in private? ;-)

Don't tell, then I'll find it myself and tell everyone :-))


In private, may I say? ;-)

Don't tell me, I'll find it myself later and tell everyone :-))


May MetaQuotes Software Corp. forgive me .

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