Machine learning in trading: theory, models, practice and algo-trading - page 1663

Maxim Dmitrievsky:
If it's very practical, then you have to live in a monastery for 5 years, renounce all benefits, then the money will come by itself 😁

There are different ways) It could be the money from the sale of the apartment, going to the abbot)

Aleksey Nikolayev:

I'm surprised you haven't choked on it.)





Andrey Dik:

there are animals who are conscious of their own selves, who grieve and bury their relatives. -yes, they lose out on the body, and most importantly the BODY of its structure. In general, in such substance as the cerebral cortex can originate the intellect, which invented the soul as a defense mechanism against imminent death, a mental defense. And all this only why, because he was able to identify himself, to put himself in the place of others. To imagine myself in the skin of another. I don't know if animals think of us, "Eh, if I were this giant feeding me forever, I'd be alive. Look what a chick you brought, let me sit on her lap." Do you think that's how they'd talk??? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

there are animals which have much faster and more flexible memory and which can understand human speech and speak themselves (as far as their speech apparatus allows). So the structure of this substance looks like a sponge of electrified spheres, the size of a small molecule, connected by many to many links, and every day we lose 100000 of these links and find as many, that is our sponge is not only electrified and every second every molecule changes its charge. Each molecule has a number -100...+100. And in this cloud is boiling with calculation. Actually this number of bonds is about 0.00000001 of the total number, so... at a glance :-)

There are animals which have in their vocabulary more words than in any human language.

The mind is a very incomprehensible thing, and its magnitude is difficult to quantify. But here I do not agree, there are a lot of metrics such as neuron transfer rate, its state + psychological test metrics + a bunch of stuff. and yes they die, but others come in their place as long as the biological system is in a workable state.

Fuck, Maxim, you really brought it up. Today I've been thinking about that video again all day, and I have something to tell you, gentlemen. It just smelled like spring today, a lot of liquid puddles, and the sun is so warm. I want it to be a warm day.

Mihail Marchukajtes:

Fuck, Maxim, you really brought it up. Today again all day I thought about that video and I have something to tell you, gentlemen. Just today it smells like spring, a lot of liquid puddles, and the sun is so warm. I want this day to be warm.

It wasn't me, Alexei started it about consciousness.)

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

It was not me, Alexei started about consciousness)

No you didn't. You started when you posted the video about natural neuron. In my case.
Mihail Marchukajtes:

Fuck, Maxim, you really brought it up. Today I've been thinking about that video again all day and I have something to tell you gentlemen. I just smelled spring today, a lot of liquid puddles and the sun is so warm. I want this day to be warm.

lose by the body? - animals lose?)))

man differs from animals only in the type of civilization - technogenic civilization, nothing else, and in many ways inferior, in the speed of reactions and thinking, the strength and sharpness of perception of the senses.

technogenic civilization is what gives man reason to think he is superior, animals are simply not interested in what man does.))) of course I am not talking about lower creatures like ants, although, in the Amazon jungle they are the most fearsome and ferocious beasts. although even these primitive creatures ants (some species) have their own farms, analogues of cow herds (aphids. caterpillars and other insects which ants breed and grow) and agroplants (grow mushrooms and plants as food).

But, that's enough of that, I guess))

Andrey Dik:

lose by the body? - animals lose?)))

man differs from animals only in the type of civilization - technogenic civilization, nothing else, and in many ways inferior, in the speed of reactions and thinking, the strength and sharpness of perception of the senses.

technogenic civilization is what gives man reason to think of his superiority, animals are simply not interested in what man does.))) of course, I am not talking about lower creatures like ants, although, in the Amazon jungle it is the most terrible and ferocious beasts. although even these primitive creatures ants (some species) have their own farms, analogous to cow herds (aphids. caterpillars and other insects that ants breed and grow) and agroplants (grow mushrooms and plants as food).

But, that's good, I guess))

Andreyka fool, you are told they all lose in body structure, purely physically or just unlucky. A dolphin has exactly the same brain as a human, that is dolphins think like humans and know their disability in matters of their own body structure? This, by the way, is also from Maksim's video, there was a lecture somewhere. But that's not what I was talking about. Imagine that you have on your hands a material sponge, which consists of spheres. Each ball has a number in it, and that number depends on the numbers that come to it from other neurons, and it transmits its number to the other three. This ball is the size of a molecule, so a sponge the size of two telephones will not be a cue cloud, the structure is exactly like a sponge in which life will be boiling, because the balls will constantly change their values, they do it at different times from each other. And once triggered, they will do it all the time as long as there is a provision for it. That is, they stand as zeros before the start. There is a whole cloud of such cells in hand. And so they are standing there, and you take a sligon and literally one neuron in the face, like a crack, you have broken through. You've woken him up. And this cloud will slowly reclaim its space that will eventually fill everything, the sponge will be clogged, but the fact is. You one in the teeter-totter, the rest stand and only over time more and more neurons will participate vizmeneniya. It would be interesting to observe such a run......

And think about taking a block of cortex, artificial of course. It's a meter long bar, and we run it on one side and on the other. We pull in one neuron from each side at a time. I wonder when they meet, what they will say to each other???? :-)))))))))))))


It's funny, even a seemingly tough saw, and the algorithm holds.

Mihail Marchukajtes:

Andreyka silly, you are told they all lose in body structure, purely physically or just unlucky. A dolphin has exactly the same brain as a human, that is, dolphins think like humans and know their inferiority in matters of their own body structure? This, by the way, is also from Maksim's video, there was a lecture there somewhere. But that's not what I was talking about. Imagine that you have on your hands a material sponge, which consists of spheres. Each ball has a number in it, and that number depends on the numbers that come to it from other neurons, and it transmits its number to the other three. This ball is the size of a molecule, so a sponge the size of two telephones will not be a cue cloud, the structure is exactly like a sponge in which life will be boiling, because the balls will constantly change their values, they do it at different times from each other. And once triggered, they will do it all the time as long as there is a provision for it. That is, they stand as zeros before the start. There is a whole cloud of such cells in hand. And so they are standing there, and you take a sligon and literally smack one neuron in the face like a crack, you have punched it through. You've woken him up. And this cloud will slowly reclaim its space that will eventually fill everything, the sponge will be clogged, but the fact is. You one in the teeter-totter, the rest stand and only over time more and more neurons will participate vizmeneniya. It would be interesting to observe such a run......

And think about taking a block of cortex, artificial of course. It's a meter long bar, and we run it on one side and on the other. We pull in one neuron from each side at a time. I wonder when they meet, what they will say to each other???? :-)))))))))))))

You're a fantasist fool, you have no clue about biology or neurophysiology.