Need help indentifying indicator - page 249

I think they both don´t exist. And the people behind these names are no coders, just "renamers". But "she" is sending free stuff whenever she wants to sell a new "stupid-people-will-get-rich-overnight-system". And not all of the free stuff has been useless.
Both ("Rita Lasker" and "Karl Dittman") are doing exactly the same thing : scamming. Whatever they "give away" is the same thing they sell : it is stolen and they can not "give away" or sell anyrhing
Both ("Rita Lasker" and "Karl Dittman") are doing exactly the same thing : scamming. Whatever they "give away" is the same thing they sell : it is stolen and they can not "give away" or sell anyrhing
Both those are just bad news. Nothing else

Hi to all friends


 Quantina Intelligence iTrend Forex Indicator 2015


Hi to all friends


 Quantina Intelligence iTrend Forex Indicator 2015

That is a commercial thingy. Spamming?
Can any one help in identifying this indicator looking near to holygrailll

Its this one ... Try it

That is a commercial thingy. Spamming?
That is a commercial thingy. Spamming?


that`s very similar to many indicator that was renamed  , i was hoped

 the experienced master members in this perfect forum help me to know what is that or maybe like another indicator in their category 

only that`s it , not another mean


Good luck  



that`s very similar to many indicator that was renamed  , i was hoped

 the experienced master members in this perfect forum help me to know what is that or maybe like another indicator in their category 

only that`s it , not another mean


Good luck  

That looks like some adx variation. I doubt that it is anything "revolutionary". If I find it will post it :)

What is this Indicator ??


What is this Indicator ??

One of the averages activators (you can download it from this thread : )

Can anyone indentify this indicator?.

Thank you in advance.