RAS Signal - Multi-EA - page 7



Hi all,

I suppose we can't have a winning week every week but I still hate losing.

In any case, let's see how the day turns out and I'll report back at the end of our day or during the weekend with a summary and notes.



Hi Kelvin,

I just attached the RAS EA to a chart and hopefully I did everything correctly (we will see ). I am really looking forward to next week to see the trades. I like your trading results. Two questions though I have here.

In the EA inputs there is a start hour and end hour setting which default to hour 7 and 16 respectively. Should this be left alone at the default setting of 7 and 16 or is there a market hour start / end you need me to use. What should I enter as the EA market hour setting which keeps me in agreement with your trading plan?

My second question is about MM and I believe some of it was already touched upon to some degree but I do need to recap. I set my RAS demo to max trades which should be no more than 10. The lowest negative pip loss was -399 but the stats do not say how many trades took the loss. How much DD should I prepare for in the worst possible case for each of the 10 open trades?

Thank You,

Big Steve

Hi Kelvin,

I just attached the RAS EA to a chart and hopefully I did everything correctly (we will see ). I am really looking forward to next week to see the trades. I like your trading results. Two questions though I have here.

In the EA inputs there is a start hour and end hour setting which default to hour 7 and 16 respectively. Should this be left alone at the default setting of 7 and 16 or is there a market hour start / end you need me to use. What should I enter as the EA market hour setting which keeps me in agreement with your trading plan?

My second question is about MM and I believe some of it was already touched upon to some degree but I do need to recap. I set my RAS demo to max trades which should be no more than 10. The lowest negative pip loss was -399 but the stats do not say how many trades took the loss. How much DD should I prepare for in the worst possible case for each of the 10 open trades?

Thank You,

Big Steve

Hi Big Steve,

Nice to see that you've done some homework.

About the start/end hour. The EA's will run 24hrs a day during the trading week so I would suggest that you leave the "use_working_time_limitation" setting to false so that the RAS EA with watch for trades at any time. This will cause the EA to ignore the start/end hour settings and trade 24hrs a day.

About DD. At present, one EA will open 0.20 lots and takes as much as a 55 pip loss per trade. All others use a 0.10 lot size and vary between 20-95 pip stop losses. As you can imagine from that, I honestly don't know how many trades it would have taken to cause the 399 pip drawdown. If you add the above numbers and max them you'll come up with a figure of over 1000 pips too, but I don't actually trade that way.

How I trade. I hate losing because I'm in these trades with you so I *try* to limit losses to 500-800 pips before a recovery. As for the 10 trade max that I've stated, I think I might have reached that limit once and even that might have been early on when I was getting the signal started and forward testing some of the EA's. At present the EA's are configured to trade a maximum of 7 x 0.10 lots and 1 x 0.20 for a total equal to 9 x 0.10 lots. I don't expect the max to be reached until I add an new currency pair or another EA. Even then, it would be rare that we have 10 open trades. If I anticipate any change to that limit I will leave a message here and inform everyone beforehand.

It's also worth noting, in the interest of full disclosure, that this past week we had rough week, a ranging market, and we're down about 500 pips even though the official RAS count says -434 today. Even so, I'm looking forward to next week and a break out of this ugly range. Once we get some moves, we get some pips. In the mean time, I'm scaling back the EA's to trade less until things look better.

Hope this helps but if anything isn't clear don't hesitate to ask.



Week in summary and the week ahead

Hi all,

The week in summary.

As you all know we finished the week on a down note for first time in a while. The beginning of the week was shaping up nicely when we suddenly got stuck in a about a 100 pip range (see chart below). The down trend was just gaining momentum and the number of positions was building, we were even reaching new highs on the account when the market lost direction. Note the arrows indicating where the market kept bouncing off the top and bottom of the range till finally it even began what appears to be a pennant.

The key to surviving in this environment is reducing losses during ranging periods like this. I'm currently leaving the trending EA's in a scaled back mode until we break out of this range significantly. See the chart for the range top and bottom that I've roughly indicated.

The week ahead.

Some of the larger trading institutions out there are a bit mixed on the outlook. While there is currently a downward bias on the EURUSD, our primary trading pair, it is also forming a possible bull flag which, if broken to the up side, could send us into a nice move up to 1.3000 area. If the move is to the down side we're looking at possibly settling in the 1.2400 area.

Either move is good for us so let's hope for one or the other this coming week so we can enjoy the pips!


Chart for the week in review:

dd_week.gif  10 kb

The trading week begins!

Hi all,

We're live and ready to trade again. Looks like a nice break to the up side so we're going enter the market and see where it takes us. As mentioned in my previous post, we'll be entering cautiously and limiting things until a clearer picture of the market develops.



Hello traders I am getting a ton, ton of error messages for price errors and order entry errors. This is the first day I am running Multi-EA. I have a stinking feeling the inputs may me off possibly somewhere, its just my tekkie luck? Any similar experiences have other traders had the same similar problem before?


Big Steve

Hello traders I am getting a ton, ton of error messages for price errors and order entry errors. This is the first day I am running Multi-EA. I have a stinking feeling the inputs may me off possibly somewhere, its just my tekkie luck? Any similar experiences have other traders had the same similar problem before?


Big Steve

Hi Big Steve,

Sorry to hear of your woes. I have referred this to tech support at RAS and will report back here if I have any news.


Hello traders I am getting a ton, ton of error messages for price errors and order entry errors. This is the first day I am running Multi-EA. I have a stinking feeling the inputs may me off possibly somewhere, its just my tekkie luck? Any similar experiences have other traders had the same similar problem before?


Big Steve

Hi Big Steve,

Feedback from RAS:

I am running your signal with no problem at all.

Check the following:

Latest version of RAS EA is 2.15. If not - upload/instal new version from RAS website.

Settings: buyer_partial_closing = true

Broker is stp? If yes, use: buyer_stp_broker = true

I that doesn't help contact RAS support via email and provide a list of all y our EA settings : support@cc.rentasignal.com

Let me know if this helps,



Multi-EA UPDATE: 14/09/2010

Hi all,

Well we started the week cautiously after being beaten up in the market last week and the market decided to take off like wild fire today. This move left us behind (because we're being cautious of course) and we missed the ride but that's all part of this business. At least the market seems ready to move again, finally!

I trade with a team of professional floor traders and screen traders and the word in the trade room has been that these first couple weeks in September had less daily volume than in August. This translates into the mess we just came through last week. Today, volumes were clearly up and the market moving again. Let's hope it keeps going!





I subscribed to your signal 3 weeks ago and i have not seen 1 single trade from it, i made sure its setup right and also talked to support.

Im using interbankfx and they tell me nothing.

Help Please!