For "Solar wind" believers - page 13

Pava: (renko) works for me so far for confirmation...RSI doesn't...( If I am going to get killed, it will be ruled "suicide":)

Oh you mean for confirmation as separate from the FEOI? Or as inside? I meant inside the FEOI as the base indicator. Hmm. I'll give it a shot i guess :-)


What is FEOI?....check template I posted yesterday on Bulletproof thread


One more version of solar wind for the collection

br16.mq4  2 kb

Solar wind

If you thought that there is no new versions, you were wrong One more

graalun.mq4  2 kb

One more for the collection (and ho it compares to solar wind itself)

fisherg.mq4  2 kb
solar.gif  43 kb
One more for the collection (and ho it compares to solar wind itself)

It never stops. By now there are at least 100 versions (70 here + on the net). Like a disease

It never stops. By now there are at least 100 versions (70 here + on the net). Like a disease

Bah, it will never stop. So this thread is going to grow


"Solar winds joy" renamed to solar winds Still repaints


They say it is an upgraded version. Anyway, it still stays the Solar wind indicator


One more (as summer goes they are hatching more and more) This one even has alerts
