Trading System by Xard777 - page 223

Thanks Andrew even in 4Hr the !X-UK.Trend.Line and !X-UK.Signal.Line does not change color.

Look at Experts and journal tabs to see any errors there.

If you use windows 7, then you need to copy it to c:\temp, then from c:\temp (compile it in temp dir) copy *.ex4 to c:\program x86\your_metatrader_dir.

Then restart MT4. Good lucks!

Any other MT4 indies are working? We should not discuss anymore about this problem. SInce this is Xard's sharing threads. PM me if needed.



here are my charts Xard777 newest and my chart ive put together using some of his ind

These were takin hours from each other, Thank You Xard and Mad Scientist for all your hard work and generosity and Ish for your help


re Forex

Hi Qjones,

I noticed that your currency meter does not show symbols, if you type the small letter m where is says Symbol.Suffix then that should show the symbols on the meter.



Thank You Xard

These were takin hours from each other, Thank You Xard and Mad Scientist for all your hard work and generosity and Ish for your help

Nice trading....

"May the God of Pips be with you QJones"



AOF TRade Just now

Just Took this trade.

I will let the pictures do the talking.

p.s. please don't ask for this template. I won't be sharing it. But all everything can be found on TSD.


aof_trade3.gif  54 kb

A hour later



A few seconds later

At this rate I may retire by age 40

Im 36

"May the God of Pips be with you all!!!"


Fantastic trading. Great job!!


At this rate I may retire by age 40

Im 36

"May the God of Pips be with you all!!!"

Nice Trade There, Ish! You opened at least 6 trades or more on live? First time I see people use this strategy. Everyone has their own method. It seemed that you know it for sure, only pro can do that.

Share the indy on bottom please:-) Or give us a name of indy. Thanks.