Trading System by Xard777 - page 219


hello,You can share your system?

You can share your system?

You can share your system?

Hi qdjack,

Keep this updated version.

I have no instructions on how to use it, but I think you'll be able to understand.

All the best

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Hi , Thanks to Xard and Team, Check this developing buy trade GBPUSD AT H1 TF

Thank you!!!

Hello, you can share the system set it?The indicator is superimposed?And the clock?

Thank you!!! Hello, you can share the system set it?The indicator is superimposed?And the clock?


Thanks to Xard and team to make this possible.

Here is set up as sub windows indicators changed


Hi guest21, iwould like ask you, to wich folder need install this file Xard v2 ods from spreadsheet in mt4.Thanks in advance.


Dude, Thanks a lot and a Merry Christmas to you too!! Xard and gang you guess are the best!!


I am loving this new template!!

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Hi qdjack,

Keep this updated version.

I have no instructions on how to use it, but I think you'll be able to understand.

All the best

I see that the Art of Forex has made its way to Forex Tsd.

You know what. I want to see what you all can do with a setup like this?

I want to see you all try to improve this setup.

Even if you fail miserablely.

I want to see you all try and post your version of the setup.

Or state how you would improve upon it .

I want to see some balls mann.

Some gusto!

Some moxi!

And post it. Don't scurry off and not share with everyone.

Put it out there.

Like Keshav there.

Thanks by the way Keshav.

More of doing that.

Becuase thats what makes setups like this one here great.

Here i will start it off.

For example.

The Art of Forex was designed by Xard and Tzuman also known as The Mad Scientist.

For the Gold 4hr.

So to begin put this chart on the Gold 4hr to get an idea on how to

Properly use it.

Now just becuase it was designed for trading Gold does not mean you can't

Trade currencies.

Becuase you can.

You may have to adjust it here and there like the allignment of the Macd.

Now lets see what you all got?

With this setup or any other Xard setup.

Lets see........



Not really sure it gets much better than this!!

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Not really sure it gets much THICKER than this!

Not really sure it gets much better than this!!