Trading System by Xard777 - page 160



Made changes to clock layout on screen


indicator Download !BDP CLOCK.mq4 from - send big files the easy way

All the best



Once again thanks. on chart BDP CLOCK is not displayed as per image shown, and it is default settings. Help me in this matter.



Once again thanks. on chart BDP CLOCK is not displayed as per image shown, and it is default settings. Help me in this matter.


Please try this one and post a screenshot if it is not top left of your screen

All the best


Please try this one and post a screenshot if it is not top left of your screen

All the best


Hi Xard,

only Clock showing, but not showing buy sell indication .


bdp_clock.png  20 kb
clock_my.png  11 kb

Ismael what settings are you using for the hi low indi?

thx in advance

Please try this one and post a screenshot if it is not top left of your screen

All the best


Xard the clock get kinda scrunched up. Can't really read the london word as you can see from screen shot. The time looks good tho. I messed with the placement settings with no luck.

Ismael what settings are you using for the hi low indi? thx in advance

it depends on time frame and pair. anywher from 7 to 10. play with it a little.


sorry Xard here is screen shot

bdp_clock.jpg  313 kb

usd/jpy outlook....

I just wanted to share with you experienced traders an out-look for the usd/jpy and how it might reflect on other usd pairs, the future of our economy and state of the usd greenback. we are in uncertain times and amazing things are happening in our world at brek neck speed, peace is going to be the new paradigm shift as evil has limittations by universal law, what it can do in this dimension to people, that is a direct reflection of the mass physcology and thier thinking, if we fear, and are paranoid, negitive. the evil forces on earth are allowed to do evil things to us in accordance to our own conscious, just today I read in libya rebel forces are will to put down thier weapon in leu of peaceful protests. evil is fading people a new earth is upon us, that being said pray for those less fortunate, and ones who are suffering, they have made great sacrafices for humanity to reach this new level of consciousness.

I wanted to share my analysis with you regarding the usd/jpy as you know evil money has been manipulating the markets, making them very chaotic ( I appologize for my spelling ) in nature, lower lows, then price shooting straight up, lows beyound 100% it's just crazy, if you are experienced you know what I am saying here...they are watching your orders and trying to suck you in for fakes in the market, trade with caution and understand the nature of things. Look for the usd/jpy resistance @ 86.11, I won't go into how I came up with that area, but maybe you can find it, what I will do is show you a long term bearing bias, with support levels and how I came to them.

If we pull a fib, from the previous monthly low up to .8600, it will lay out significant levels of support being 70.42, 61.13, 46.60...NOW, on the monthly charts look at the 3 previous highs and lows, I have done fibonacci on those swings and have had clusters @61.13 and two @ 46.60.

What does all this mean in terms of the stability of the us dollar, and state of the economy, no one really knows as these are historic levels, I believe it means strength once again for the us dollar, to rebound and regain it's glory. short term as I am writting this just after NFP announcement, I am seeing a possible pull back to 83.94 area before proceeding back up to 86.11.

I wish you all the best in your trading, and remember to pray for those who sacrafice themselves on our bealf, humanity is upon greatness!

P.S. Cable 1.5900, looks to be yearly low, even though evil has limited traders in the U.S. with bigger margin requirements, and less leverage, traders can still swing trade and do well, best of luck!

cable dropping from .1.6340-1.5900, the servant is your master.

update: while .6040 was the most natural cyclical reistance area, money manipulation drove hard into sells at that area, making the cycles very unatural in appearance, while it did not make a new high at 1.6153, it was still enough to suck people in to a false sense of a long bias, only to get slammed again, as it will still go down to 1.5900, when you see areas for entry, remeber to ALWAYS look to enter on smaller time frames these days, even the 1 min...move your stop accordingly as price moves in your direction, it is only smart money management and will frustrate market makers, and keep you on the fast track to profits, baby sit your trades until at min, breakeven with stops. Even if you are wrong, you still win, all the best!


"xard 777"

Could someone put all the indicators and TPL ...of "XARD 777"




Could someone put all the indicators and TPL ...of "XARD 777" Thanks

This one?


mt4-xard777.rar  184 kb

xard 777 ?? look at the foto

xard_777_v2.jpg  374 kb