Trading System by Xard777 - page 134



qwertymyfx But why does the digital filter repaint?

The reason is I think is because SSA is like actual price action. If you had SSA on your chart it would look like a MA that follows price pretty accurately. When price goes up it goes up when price goes down it goes down with Zero Lag. When I first seen SSA I was like wow that’s the Holy Grail. I got the bright idea of using the SSA of Price indicator that Mladen made in the elite section and found out that I could use the crosses of the SSA of Price and the line of Historical Daily Pivot line. And it looked like it was perfect. The SSA I was using was a multi color so it would change color when it changed direction. In the chart in the picture it is the green and magenta line. The yellow line is the historical daily pivot line and this is a 4hr chart. You will notice that when SSA changes color and goes the other direction it would follow price with out any lag. I was told by Mlanden that, “SSA can (and will, in cases of sudden price changes) change last Lag bars”, but it looked so good when it would follow that I thought I could have it cross something to give it that extra confirmation than I needed to actually take signals off it. It looked good when it crossed the Daily pivot and the 4hr repainting was less evident so I tried this on the 4hr chart. The thing is it still can follow price in an instant and the last bars can still move on you. I haven’t figured out how I can use something that will confirm the direction it is going to go. I have been messing around with different MA’s that will cross the SSA of Price at the exact time it will cross the Daily Pivot to give me and idea of what way it will go. And have had some success but I haven’t been able to get it near where it could be traded off of. For now I agree with everyone else that SSA is to be used as a reference. As something to refer to but not meant to take signals off of.


it looks like user-friendly -- very easy to be used

did you win money on that , every week ???


it looks like user-friendly -- very easy to be used

did you win money on that , every week ???

So far it's been doing pretty good. Since it's the 4hr it seems like it takes forever. You need something else to confirm these entries. Something else that gives you good entries before or around the same time to confirm these entries. I don't always get that so I don't take all the crosses. I am still trying to figure it out so it could be profitable always.

So far it's been doing pretty good. Since it's the 4hr it seems like it takes forever. You need something else to confirm these entries. Something else that gives you good entries before or around the same time to confirm these entries. I don't always get that so I don't take all the crosses. I am still trying to figure it out so it could be profitable always.

Ok, Here is an updated 15min chart EURUSD...showing Goldbands set at (21, 12, 3) and a 100SMA SSL 30m TF which is 200SMA SSL indicator on a 15m chart). Also using RSIOMA (14, 21)

All the best


PS I am off to get pissed out me head....cya in Jan/Feb 2011...merry crimbo

Link to 600 trading books....

Ok, Here is an updated 15min chart EURUSD...showing Goldbands set at (21, 12, 3) and a 100SMA SSL 30m TF which is 200SMA SSL indicator on a 15m chart). Also using RSIOMA (14, 21)

All the best


PS I am off to get pissed out me head....cya in Jan/Feb 2011...merry crimbo

Xard,? were you going to post the indicators for the update? SMA/SSA & RSIOMA Cross?


47pips in under 40seconds....thank you santa

I was showing someone the new alarm for my system - so I took a buy to show them how easy it is to trade and the price shot up about 50+ pips so I hit the close button and netted 47pips - and carried on drinking my beer -the guy was gob smacked when he seen the dollar value made in under 40secs.

Only in Forex

imgur: the simple image sharer


Manual trading still the best


All you..... Damn, drinking your beer and making money. Beer in one hand and finger on the trigger with the other.... I wish I was on that level.


A round for everyone! Danny boy is buying!!!


SSA Parameters?

Xard, could you just tell me the parameter settings for the

#4x 2011 XARD SSA indicator to get it to move like the updated picture you displayed. I have been trying all kinds of ways but no luck.

Lag= ?


