Eurusd/gbpusd - page 1745

Long level resistance/support 1.2750 has held. EURUSD is right at the long term bearish channel support. We can expect some hesitation at these levels (even some mild retracement during the day). All in all the bearish trend that all are talking about for Euro is confirmed once again

Waiting now to see if they go for a double bottom today

Waiting now to see if they go for a double bottom today

Probably they will


After the FOMC news yesterday EUR/USD dropped significantly without even reaching the resistance at 1.2830. It will likely continue to descent with target 1.2500, which is a pretty strong support level.


Well, the retracement was made. With statements like "we need more women in economics and we are doing it effectively for some time" (as if sex is what counts in economics now and not the knowledge regardless of the sex) Yellen did what is known for quite some time : FED has no idea what to do. Verbal easing at its best. One day a FOMC statement and then next day quickly undoing what the statement did (otherwise it would become a commitment for FED)

At least we know that after big statements there will be equally silly counter-statements and the trading community reacted as today. All that was predictable but all that was predictable in Bernanke times too and it brought no good to anybody

Well, the retracement was made. With statements like "we need more women in economics and we are doing it effectively for some time" (as if sex is what counts in economics now and not the knowledge regardless of the sex) Yellen did what is known for quite some time : FED has no idea what to do. Verbal easing at its best. One day a FOMC statement and then next day quickly undoing what the statement did (otherwise it would become a commitment for FED) At least we know that after big statements there will be equally silly counter-statements and the trading community reacted as today. All that was predictable but all that was predictable in Bernanke times too and it brought no good to anybody

more wine, more women and more cake

actually not sure shes said more wine yet, although could be in the next FED speech

i agree there ought to be more women in Finance, preferably Hot women

i'd vote for Gemma Godfrey for the next FED chair

very popular in London finance, for obvious reasons

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The funniest thing is that all are talking that Yellen needs some time to get used to the job. For gods sake she was San Francisco FED office CEO for 6 years and FED vice chair for 3.5 years. That is almost 10 years. For a woman that is telling that poor should save in order to get less poor ("eat cakes sheep").

Waiting now to see if they go for a double bottom today

Well, no double bottom

Should have pay attention that Yellen is going to speak today

Well, no double bottom Should have pay attention that Yellen is going to speak today

Yep. The usual "talk it down" happened. FED can not decide : if they want to brag (and make dollar stronger) or they want what is better for US (not so strong dollar and good exports). All in all, a complete mess


Long term bearish trend continues. Support is holding. No changes expected today

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EUR/USD keeps falling and it will likely reach 1.2500. What happens next is up for debate, however. Will it form a double bottom and bounce back or will it break below the support at 1.2500 and head even lower? Personally, I still think that the long term target is 1.2200, perhaps even 1.2000, but I don't think anything can be said for certain before we see what happens around the 1.2500 level first.