Eurusd/gbpusd - page 1473


This time it was a 30 pips retrace. Compared to the change it is a flat line. Asian session will go for a double top


I don't think that this time Asian session will do anything significant. Draghi did his Goldman Sachs job again : as soon as US exports suffered a bit, he made EURO rise


Talking about flat line : 13 pips range for EURUSD in the last 12 hours. Seems that the arresting of brokers that were manipulating the market prevents all the others to do the same Free market (free manipulation) is over for at least a couple of days :)


I have a sell limit based on the daily trend line

eurusddaily.png  15 kb
I have a sell limit based on the daily trend line

That looks like a good decision. Draghi can talk as much as he can, but EUR is on a down lope now

That looks like a good decision. Draghi can talk as much as he can, but EUR is on a down lope now

That's the attitude that I like maintaining when it comes to the big boys speeches....

Waiting for the NFP in two hours to reap more pips.....


And again move ahead of the bell. This is becoming a rule of thumb now, not an exception


With BOE encouraging forex manipulation the times when forex was a thing where you could earn some money are long gone. Banks, brokers, governments, ... where is the place for a simple trader?


We can rest assured the manipulation has now stopped

(the BOE rock and could never do wrong - i'm British btw)



We have been assured a lot of times that banks are doing everything they can in our best interest - and each and every time the end was the same. The only conclusion is that either something is wrong with us (the slaves) or with banks. I do not think that 99.99% of human population are sick SOBs - or else we should do a biggest collective suicide that can be done. So the conclusion is rather obvious