Eurusd/gbpusd - page 1471

Still a clear downtrend and still without defined support or resistance. Probably the ECB rate cut talks are making it undefined

GBP and Euro both hit support yesterday on the Daily's and likely reason for the sideways P.A on the Euro

rates should be mildly interesting and really could go either this time as price has already hit support on both

seems weird they would lower interest rates yet again, especially when most know its a lie and not required.. and could even do more harm than good

what they will do if or when the FED and the BOE eventually put up rates is anyone's guess,

but presumably they will follow like sheep and say everything is fixed in the Eurozone

(although won't hold my breath on a rates rise anytime soon)

its been a shifty downtrend on the Euro - they certainly would of preferred it had no retailers made any money on this one (what a mean bunch the Euro MMs are)

fun times

Good luck


Don't you hate when this happens :

It was just a point or two missing. And now I have to wait again

eurusdm1_1.png  57 kb

I am out (tp hit)

Good nigh guys

stop out 3496 tp1 29p, tp2 18p, later week no. 3509 was signal buy---3530 tp 21p, ,later week no. 3525 was signal sell---

s top out 3497 tp 28p, l at e r week no. 3509 was signal buy---

Don't you hate when this happens :

It was just a point or two missing. And now I have to wait again

Someone would say that it is broker working against you

Someone would say that it is broker working against you

Nagh. Just low ranges, low volatility, low volume. This time I did not depend on an Asian session (and I can take some rest)

s top out 3497 tp 28p, l at e r week no. 3509 was signal buy---

stop out 3525 tp16p, later week no. 3525 was signal sell----3500 tp 25p, later 3509,was signal buy----3525 tp 16p, later 3525 was signal sell------ ()


Again information leak. It is becoming ridiculous to try to trade the news. Reuters selling data gain ?

Again information leak. It is becoming ridiculous to try to trade the news. Reuters selling data gain ?

Seems so. Only now they are selling minutes and minutes (on a discount). No more milliseconds

Seems so. Only now they are selling minutes and minutes (on a discount). No more milliseconds

Yep. But this time it was predictable that it will be whipsawing

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