The Only Pivot - page 70



How you took two sells on GU ?

Trade Update: GBPUSD || SHORT || Lots: 0.75 || @ 2.0307

Something is odd with your chart and mine.

On MIG, I get two signals, one long "2007 10 04 01:00" and one short "2007 10 04 03:00" - I understand this problem from stevenali.

On Interbank FX, I only get one short signal for "2007 10 04 03:00."



Hello TimeFreedom,here is my Chart.What can i,do from their mistake?I,can not open the file.Can you help me?

chart.gif  73 kb
thankyou very much TimeFreedoom....

Thank you very much for this system. Quick eyeballing indicates it might also work using trading sessions also. Have you tested this?

Hello TimeFreedom,here is my Chart.What can i,do from their mistake?I,can not open the file.Can you help me?

Hi, and did u get trade with EA? I have smeiling there too, all indicatores from here, but no trade. Of corse will be fine to get trade, but no one. Hm, what i do bad????




i,not trade with the EA.But on my platform I was having a lot of problems. What did you say when you see my chart,can you help????The Chaos is perfect.



have you closed your trades , or still open ?

i closed mine for 70+

i'm verry happy if this system works for us.. thx for all your contribution.. but remember... keep it simple ... ok ?

right Stevenali...

Seem we are going shortfor g/j, a/j, e/j and u/j today ...


Trades of the night for me :

g/j : +50 pips

e/j : +35 pips

a/j : +47 pips

u/j : +14 pips

Then, 146 pips tonight...


Trade Update: 10-04-07

Trade Update:

EURJPY || LONG || Lots: 0.50 || @ 164.75

STATUS: Currently the floating profit is -2.6%/-$263.59