Phoenix 2007 (new thread) - page 106


Thanks to Hendrick for sharing such a good system.

I wonder if this is an error in the code or not: iOsMA function syntax, first gets fast_ema_period then slow_ema_period. But in the code OSMASlow is before OSMAFast.

Phoenix code:

double OsMABar2=iOsMA(NULL,0,OSMASlow,OSMAFast,OSMASignal,PRICE_CLOSE,2);

double OsMABar1=iOsMA(NULL,0,OSMASlow,OSMAFast,OSMASignal,PRICE_CLOSE,1);

MQL4 Reference - Technical indicators - iOsMA:

double iOsMA( string symbol, int timeframe, int fast_ema_period, int slow_ema_period, int signal_period, int applied_price, int shift)

I know that optimization was based on the OSMASlow and OSMAFast values and the signal rule which is followed:

if(OsMABar2 > OsMABar1) {SellSignal3 = true;}

if(OsMABar2 < OsMABar1) {BuySignal3 = true;}

So this misplacement is compensated through input param optimization. But after all, is it better to exchange OSMASlow and OSMAFast places in iOsMA function and find new optimized values for them?



Hi Yashil

Move your question to Phoenix Development Thread

there :

Live testing report there :

Faq and info :

See you


God Help us.

To daraknor,

I am touched by your support for this thread and the ongoing work for hendricks EA. Its encouraging that we have all rallied together to keep this thread and the development of this EA alive while Hendrick takes some time out.

However can i ask this , do you trade for any part of your living, if so do you have a live account with any substantial ammount of money in it, have you traded without any EA for any length of time?

The reason i ask is if you had you would appriciate that price action is based purely on news, trading, hedging etc etc..... not on any scientific bollocks.!!!!

WE ( all traders ) traded on patterns and instinct alone prior to EA's. Those very same patterns are hopefully coded into EA's in the hope the computer can make the very same decisions we would while we are away and much quicker than we can while we are at the keyboard.

I trade for the majority of my living and i have a constuction company making me a substantial living. I never mention ammounts of money and refuse to post live statements. This EA in all its releases has made me a good deal of money, but i have closed manually on a daily basis and adjusted tp/sl.

This EA makes very very good market entries but i feel exits will always be a difficult aspect to code. So many factors affect your exit i see no other way than manual. However i cannot deny that left to its own devices this EA is Profitable.

This thread has grown to big already and will get worse, when rather than if it wins the competition it will EXPLODE.

The danger here is that good profitable manual trader with experience to offer will walk away if we polute this thread with the mumbo jumbo crap that you have been posting and when the vultures land after the victory.

I am sure your soul aim daraknor is to master the market and make some money, if this is the case then you will take my comments on board and concentrate on the trading of this EA and the screen watching thats needed.

I appologise to you and all the followers of this thread for my critisism but you all seem to be missing the point of this whole exercise. MONEY.

I am reluctant to suggest that hedrick has suddenly thought " oohh my god this baby works " and gone away to make some money. Im sorry hendrick this is not a judgement but why kill yourself answering posts when you have got it right.

This EA is profitable now and can make us all very wealthy with steady compounded growth, searching for that extra few pips is futile and a waste of energy.

And as for this regular tweaking idea, i'm sorry guys the market has many forms of exercise but it basically never changes. It goes up or down in varying degrees! PERIOD.

I actually feel that without our ring leader the animals we all are in here are lost! When the hendrick the leader returns if ever we may find some order and peace. I suspect this may never happen and this thread will swell and bloat and burst only to remain a history file read by expectant newbies looking for a 1000000% compound growth.

I dont intend to insult you daraknor i merely hope to point out the obvious as a trader. We all want to profit, the EA works, we dont need to tweak for pips.

Lets lower the tone of this thread and just trade the EA live or demo if thats your thing. I ran demo for 5 weeks before i was SURE it was effective and i am 110% confident that if it was never tweaked again it would continue to make me a profit.

Whether or not this post makes any difference to this thread i care not, i just hope i have slowed down this monsterous machine for long enough for us to think about where we are heading.

My email address is below, please criticise me , flame me or thank me as appropriate.

A word of warning guys dont take an active part in a forum for forex trading if you have no forex trading under your belt to protect your reputation.

Best wishes

Alan Beale


Alan, I am in most agreement with you, this is exactly why Hendrick split...imho.. glad someone finally spoke up

however I disagree that News is the only thing that drives price. I think it takes two to tango..


To Alan

Agree 100 % with you..

However for my part I don't trust any more about analisys news... (last DT, hike Ecb, NFP etc, etc...)

Market and "big guys" do what THEY want to do... And you like me, small guy with 2c in the market, want can we do ?

Nothing !!! Only counting losses...

Trust in good people... they are here... Darak is "Top 1" and Hendrik, father of Phoenix taking a little rest now, is still watching us...

Now for all that "garbagge people" we can't do nothing...

But : be positive ! We will wins!


cockeyedcowboy, alanlewis

I consider myself a "maintainer" of Phoenix, not the designer. The main reason I'm the maintainer and not someone else is because when we needed to release the Mode 3 fix and incorporate changes, nobody else had done the footwork to make it happen. I feel bad that I don't have solid answers to all of these questions and ideas - I'm accustomed to having the answers.

I don't know if Phoenix can be "autotuned" and I didn't mean to claim that I can "autotune" it well. I can try, but I don't know if it will work partly because of the perceived issues. I am a professional programmer not a professional trader, and it appears the practices common to open source programming have been well accepted here: stable, testing, weekly build. This isn't "my baby" and certainly not "my vision", I'm doing what I can to hold the community together. I think part of holding the community together is based on honest criticism, and I welcome your criticism of Phoenix and of me. The job is always open as long as I'm in it, anyone can step up. If you aren't going to maintain the code and community, I view your criticisms as advice.

I have only spent 2 hours on the code itself since Hendrick left, and I have stated so publicly. I have spent about 60 hours on the community across 2 forums and 2 mailing lists. Hendrick's leaving was a shock to all groups, and I'm trying to hold things together. I wish I had spent 60 hours on code and 2 hours posting.

Regarding my philosophies of market and price, I didn't even mention them. I am a transhumanist singulartarian in terms of "where are we headed". I have a strong background in technology and am aware of neuron processing and other experiments. When I say something could be possible, I'm not promising it next week. Econometrics is really in its infancy, and stunted from growing further by lies, deception, withholding of information and a few unquantifiable unknowns, like the direction that progress will occur and where. One of my long term projects is measuring something that has only been a social concept until now, "Sustainability". I believe it can be quantified in closed systems or with regular inputs and the disclaimer the inputs keep coming. I don't believe that Forex is a closed system, it has too many outside influences. But people claim it is a zero sum game, and that implies some level of closure doesn't it? Maybe in 20 years when $1000 buys a computer smarter than a human and doesn't waste CPU cycles economic movements will be more precise and econometrics will be different. I am striving for a somewhat calculable economy.

I realize that when a person is holding a hammer, everything looks like a nail. I have been working on AI designs and was commissioned to write a Self Organizing Map Neural Network for processing text, with Bayesian filters and queries. My friends and I play with Genetic Algorithms when we have some spare time. That is my "hammer" so to speak. I do think we should automate the worst part of finding the settings configurations *if they can be made accurately*. I don't know if they can, but I'm not going to be the executioner until I have studied Phoenix and its signals rigorously.

I have been reading people's questions, and slowly increasing the time I wait to respond to new users. I have been hoping the FAQ section would help out, and we have seen less of the same questions over and over. I receive messages from people who have read documentation now, instead of asking introductory questions. I see people with 2 posts total giving bug fixes and advanced help. The learning curve has been reduced, the community is sharing more.

We don't know if Phoenix can remain profitable long term. We see it performing well in a contest lasting approximately 50 days. There may be weaknesses in Phoenix we may never solve. It may remain profitable despite those weaknesses. Since Phoenix has beat down 270 other systems, I think it deserves attention, time and hard work. And as I said, the position is open.


Errors when Phoenix runs.


Firstly, it's great to see that all Phoneix related issues are covered under one umbrella. However, I can not really see a thread that covers general problems people may have with Phoneix, so I chose to post here.

Today I noticed some error messages from Phoenix in the Journal. This is one of them (there were several similar ones):

2006.11.21 20:39:30 2006.11.15 19:00 Phoenix_EA_v5_6_04 USDJPY,M15: Error Ordersend(4107):

2006.11.21 20:39:30 2006.11.15 19:00 Phoenix_EA_v5_6_04 USDJPY,M15: invalid price 118.06180000 for OrderSend function

Could someone please let me know what this could mean?

I am running Phoenix_EA_v5_6_04 on a demo Velocity4x account. 15 min chart USDJPY with default settings for the pair.


I'm going to try and clarify this a little.

Test USDJPY with Phoenix Contest

(quoted with conceptual and grammatical fixes)

1) do a test(1) of the system as is.

2) do multiple tests(100+/-) as suggested with ??? RNG I assume but unknown since "above" was an ambiguous unresolved reference. I assume RNG w/clock seed was the "above" post.

3) the next tests(100+/-), remove all the indicators / signals by putting False in the inputs of the system to not use them. Then code yourself another randomly generated number sequence seeded with your computer clock. Pick entry totally at random with no indicators at all. Mantain the rest of the system as usual.

I don't know what you mean by 2 since you suggest the same thing as above with 3. Also what is "SickSegma rubbush" precisely? If you are trash talking, you should probably spell "rubbish" properly. Rather than do a major rewrite as you suggest, I'll disable all but one of the indicators and use the following pseudocode as an indicator:

init( MathSRand(TimeLocal()); )

int Signal1(){

int random=MathRand();

if(random<100) return(-1);

else if(random<200) return(1);

else return(0);


It is assumed that -1=sell 1=buy and 0=notrade. This gives a chance to trade per time increment of 200/32767.

Your argument is inherently flawed of course, because if it were true #1 the system would perform equally under all markets #2 Hendrick wouldn't be winning the competition.

Pedantic pathological preconceived prevarication is what you are talking about. Or would you rather post the results to the tests you claim to have?


Firstly, it's great to see that all Phoneix related issues are covered under one umbrella. However, I can not really see a thread that covers general problems people may have with Phoneix, so I chose to post here.

Today I noticed some error messages from Phoenix in the Journal. This is one of them (there were several similar ones):

2006.11.21 20:39:30 2006.11.15 19:00 Phoenix_EA_v5_6_04 USDJPY,M15: Error Ordersend(4107):

2006.11.21 20:39:30 2006.11.15 19:00 Phoenix_EA_v5_6_04 USDJPY,M15: invalid price 118.06180000 for OrderSend function

Could someone please let me know what this could mean?

I am running Phoenix_EA_v5_6_04 on a demo Velocity4x account. 15 min chart USDJPY with default settings for the pair.

I already posted the solution to that in the Programming thread. I will release it this weekend at the latest, likely sooner.


Now compair the results. You will be suprized to see what the out come may be..........till this is done your just wasting time.

Although, I understand (and agree) with philosophy behind 'teach hungry person how to catch the fish instead just give him one', i would think, that our case here is a tad different.

So, wouldn't be better, if you would just tell us:

- what would be result?

- what are the consequences?

- so what we should do then?

I think, this way would be more helpfull for the project.

I may be wrong, but my feeling is, based on your past msgs, that you are trying to tell us, how much you know and not what you know.

I don't doubt about your knowledge. But it doesn't help us much so far.

(and forgive me please, if I'm wrong here)


(who like to share, but don't have much to share, grrr)


Latest Settings for USDJPY

Hi Guys,

Sorry for being a little bit silence lately. I was busy and only now I am available.

Reading many post here and phoenix is unusable? Just ignore it. Phoenix is not for everybody. It may suit me but not suitable to you.. So relax, let's do some testing here.

I have done a 'fine tune' with the New setting for USDJPY. See the attachment

With the past data of August, Sept, Oct, it can convert $1000 to $18918 with profit of $17918.

While Phoenix Contest setting for the same data aug-sept-oct only can convert $1000 to $2824 with profit only $1824.

So my current setting is the "latest" and it is configured BEST for august, sept, Oct.

I need help from people to do forward test with this settings. If it can make money, then phoenix is usable. If It is not, then it just runs best for the past, but it can not predict future.

I myself will do forward test with this settings. Here it is:

Percent = 0.0032;

EnvelopePeriod = 2;

TakeProfit = 42;

StopLoss = 84;

TrailingStop = 0;

SMAPeriod = 4;

SMA2Bars = 11;

OSMAFast = 29;

OSMASlow = 40;

OSMASignal = 2;

Fast_Period = 7;

Slow_Period = 15;

DVBuySell = 0.0034;

DVStayOut = 0.048;

For your info, I did not include november data into test fine tune. So this november data could be the "future" of the settings.

So far backtest data with november data is not so good. But do not know yet with forward test. Phoenix Contest Setting is not too good either for month of October, but it can double the money in the contest.

Happy testing. It is Mode 1 with risk 0.3.