HAMA PAD - A Simple Trading Approach - page 72



nice movement

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HAMA H2 System on the Ride n Rise

GBP/USD on Classic Trade Entry, Step Add-On, Snapback, and Trend/Price Exhaustion Exit and Classica Exit. All visible right on your very eyes. A Holiday Bonus!



PS: Full week Traders' Lounge - Trading Room Schedule will be posted at the Lounge Gateway on Sunday. See you all there!


fxcruiser ..before the weekend could you tell me how to get H2 system and where is the indicators or the method explanation..thanks in advance


hello fxc,happy thank giving day sir, I'm sorry but I'm just lost my YM!, can't see what anybody write there,maybe the problem is in my conection,

nice movement

Yeah, it's a nice 100+ move. There should be more of it coming next week.



GBP/USD on Classic Trade Entry, Step Add-On, Snapback, and Trend/Price Exhaustion Exit and Classica Exit. All visible right on your very eyes. A Holiday Bonus!



Such big moves happen only once or twice a week, and most trading systems would capture the same pips or better!

I wish guys you were posting all the false signalsas well that HAMA PAD produces the rest of the time. Better rules/filters needed to stay away from losing trades

Such big moves happen only once or twice a week, and most trading systems would capture the same pips or better!

sg1, let me first thank you for taking the time to visit this thread and for your first post here. But, gee, how many times do you want such big moves to happen in a given week and were you able to capture this one? Granted that "most trading systems would capture the same pips or better", it really wouldn't matter coz I only use this one. Cable moved 204 pips range from opening to closing yesterday. The trade I posted took 180 pips of that range. If the "better" you are referring to, took 204 pips, so be it. Honestly, 20 pips is just as good for me. So, such big moves are really not that big deal to be bothered about.

I wish guys you were posting all the false signalsas well that HAMA PAD produces the rest of the time. Better rules/filters needed to stay away from losing trades

sg1, I gather from this statement that you have not followed nor read this thread in its entirety. Otherwise, you would have already known that you're wish had already been granted. Safareig, had posted a number of false signals and losses. paijolopez had posted his losses, too. I also have posted some false signals and looses. There maybe others. As you can see, we never claim the HAMA PAD to be perfect; it is just soooooooo gooooooooood! Check out the chart posting of brainjt of yesterday's trade. It will impress upon you, the patience and discipline he has to exercise to trade with HAMA PAD.

May I add that the other day, after the 30-40 pips move on cable, we have guys in the trade room having fun scalping it for 5-8-10-15 pips. Yet, they didn't even have the H2 System on hand. They just watched the live charts in the trading room. Mind you these were not all on demo account; some were on live funded account.

"As far as better rules/filters needed to stay away from losing trades", first, we are helping each other in the room to spot the false moves, as such minimize, if not totally eliminate, the losses. Second, if you have better ideas, rules, suggestions than what we already have, I will be happy to meet and have you in a private online conference so we can discuss them live and in almost personal yet "virtual" way. Just tell me when it will be convenient for you.

Based on your posting here, I imagine that you have been trading for a while and may have tried a number of systems. HAMA PAD and H2 System is not for everyone. Either you get it or you don't.

Such big moves happen only once or twice a week, and most trading systems would capture the same pips or better! I wish guys you were posting all the false signalsas well that HAMA PAD produces the rest of the time. Better rules/filters needed to stay away from losing trades

Sorry I haven't been around much guys...awfully busy.

sg1...these moves don't even happen once or twice a week...you'll be lucky to catch a move like this once a month...whether HAMA is right for you or not is for you to decide. The guys who developed HAMA PAD are quite discretionary from what I can tell...maybe you need something more systematic.

Ultimately, the manner in which you determine your signals (entry or exit) is just a VERY SMALL part of the equation. Find something that works for you and then tweak it to meet your objectives. There are many, many, ways to tweak a successful system apart from messing with the entry and exit.

The moves last week we're so obvious that an 8 year old could've traded them, too bad I was on the road!! (but good thing I was already long EUR/USD for other reasons )


GBP/USD on Classic Trade Entry, Step Add-On, Snapback, and Trend/Price Exhaustion Exit and Classica Exit. All visible right on your very eyes. A Holiday Bonus!



PS: Full week Traders' Lounge - Trading Room Schedule will be posted at the Lounge Gateway on Sunday. See you all there!

i subscribed the 1st version of HAMA. But never notified about HAMA H2... how can i get H2 indicators? Need to pay anything? Please help