Traders joking, the beginning - page 356

A math blogger says he’s figured out “the world’s favorite number.” It turns out that it's “7.” The least popular number? The fake phone number you get when you tell a girl you're a math blogger.




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Hillary Clinton admitted she is thinking about running for president. Though it would be more shocking if she admitted to ever thinking about anything else.


France has passed new legislation that makes it illegal to work after 6 p.m. They're hoping to encourage workers to spend more time with their mistresses.






that's just beautiful....:) "John Schindler ‏@20committee · 36s

Visual = terrible / RT @jaketapper Russian media: CIA director in Ukraine over the weekend./ CIA: we can't confirm. / WH: we confirm"


I think I am on the wrong thread... "Source at Aviano U.S. Air Base in Italy tells TRN all leave has been cancelled from April 16th onwards. Source works refueling planes and says they have TRIPLED the amount of fuel in stock and says planes carrying MUNITIONS have been landing at a rate of 2 per hour since April 10. Source further says it looks like they are preparing for a big operation. He has gone silent now as he says it is standard procedure for all social communications to be blocked on base."