Traders joking, the beginning - page 349



gm_bailout.jpg  73 kb

kind of funny...


"Крым свои вопросы решил. На очереди юго-восток Украины, потом Аляска...

И зачем вам так был нужен Косово?"


and now (finally!) a scientific explanation why We have to kill Them The Danger That Lurks Inside Vladimir Putin's Brain | Psychology Today

Lululemon is the company that makes yoga pants that are so tight they cut off circulation to the part of your brain that decides how much money is OK to spend on yoga pants.
A British tech company has debuted new technology that lets clothing store mannequins talk about the outfit they are displaying. Said the inventor, “The idea came to me in a nightmare.”


In a speech, Pope Francis criticized the Mafia and urged its members to repent. Which is why now every morning the Pope makes his assistant start the Popemobile.

this post must be in "Repenting Indicators" thread...

In a speech, Pope Francis criticized the Mafia and urged its members to repent. Which is why now every morning the Pope makes his assistant start the Popemobile.