Traders joking, the beginning - page 338


Not all that shines is Gold...

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The White House announced a change to Obamacare. They keep making adjustments. They say people can now keep their insurance plans for two more years. When asked what would happen after two years, Obama said, "After two years, I don't give a damn."
Meteorologists say 90 percent of the Great Lakes are frozen over. People from Chicago are being urged to stay off the frozen lakes, but if you want to see someone from Chicago in thin ice, just go to the White House.

Spring is here!!!



Obama's approval rating is at an all-time low. He has a plan to make him look better. It is called letting Joe Biden make a speech.


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The GOP is releasing short documentaries about Senate candidates to give the public a look at their personal lives. So if you're the kind of person who is excited to see documentaries about Senate candidates, ask your doctor about Zoloft.
New Mexico police arrested a group of students who hid marijuana in a hollowed-out copy of Stephen King’s “It.” The students said they were just holding “It” for a friend.