

Open this thread so that i dont clutter other thread with my charts ..feel free to post upload your charts ,comments and trade setups . Commercial software pictures like elwave,mtpredictor or advancedGet are welcome.


GBP two way counts

Well the chart i attach is to show 2 way direction of the market for breakout

let see ofcourse anything can happen

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hi there, do you have any indicators for mt4 that can count wawes like on this chart ?

hi there, do you have any indicators for mt4 that can count wawes like on this chart ?

hi deepdrunk,

unfortunately no i dont have ...

the chart is done manually i did some bits and pieces till yesterday for mt4 it's having problems i don't how i will complete it or whether i am going to post here or not but for now there is nothing.. i'm planning to get a professional suite for analysis once i find my self stable with the theory or do it my self.



another possible 3rd wave setup

well the last charts breakout above gaved 3rd wave which also completed a larger wave 2 of 1 the trend is up in short term but the wave is pointing down in a larger time frame..

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well the last charts breakout above gaved 3rd wave which also completed a larger wave 2 of 1 the trend is up in short term but the wave is pointing down in a larger time frame..

According to chart above here i went short 1.8425 sl 1.8465 tp open

we are above the larger channel so this call is dangerous from the view but still i go with the view of this last leg

P.S All the calls and the charts are just for my own learning while attending the markets and in no way give buy or sell recommendations.

According to chart above here i went short 1.8425 sl 1.8465 tp open

we are above the larger channel so this call is dangerous from the view but still i go with the view of this last leg

P.S All the calls and the charts are just for my own learning while attending the markets and in no way give buy or sell recommendations.

stopped out from this clearly these are not things to be repeated even though it shows the wave is there next time will like trade inside the channel.


On Euro goin for 4th Wave?

On 4hr Clearly for now this shows a retracement not starting of a new trend i will wait and see where it would like to go from here .

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On 4hr Clearly for now this shows a retracement not starting of a new trend i will wait and see where it would like to go from here .

so i went long 1.2614 stop i left at 1.2584 ( very tight ) tp is at 55 sma on 4hr --- according to books 4th wave will be quiet different and will take more time then 2nd wave so will see about that.

so i went long 1.2614 stop i left at 1.2584 ( very tight ) tp is at 55 sma on 4hr --- according to books 4th wave will be quiet different and will take more time then 2nd wave so will see about that.

Ok i closed the lot at 1.2601 0.38% retarcement above could be fatal or (4) already done?.. be back after the weekend i got my hands on Pretcher Book and going to spend some times on wave personalities if anybody wants the book PM me with your email i also have found a thread.. though not on this forum where person is kindly posting his charts from a software so i would like to spend some time there also .. anyways be back after the weekend.


4th wave for Euro!

Taking this trade for possible 4th wave above would give 55 sma

so went short at 1.2608

sl 1.2645

tp open

** Demo trades.**

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