MT4 64 bit is becoming nessery for compatibility with windows 10 and new pcs - page 4

Fernando Carreiro:

1. Was MT4 one of those cases? Because, that is what is actually at stake here if you intend to defend the OP's claim!

2. But that is not the fault of the OS (nor the application), and cannot be used as a "fact" to defend of the OP's claim. It simply is not relevant to the OP's claim.

3. Agreed and not disputing it!

4. Again, is it a behavior you have noticed on MT4 (as stated in point 1)?

5. No, it does not necessarily have to do with the quality of the implementation. Bigger is not always better, and using 64-bit for everything is an "overkill" for many a situation that does not need it. The fact that MT5 also has a 32-bit version, shows that MT5 can in fact accomplish many things without using it and that it should not be used as a measure to say that MT5 is better than MT4 just because it is 64-bit.

1. Yes, MT4 included. In my machine it run slower on a 64-bit OS.

2. But it's an adittional reason to upgrade to MT5. It's a limitation of the application. If that application were builded in 64-bit, it hasn't that limitation.

3. Ok.

4. Yes.

5. It only shows that there are people using a 32-bit OS. MetaQuotes developers don't want that people can't use MT5. They don't want to limit his users. That's the reason for a 32-bit version of MT5.

In my opinion MT5 is better than MT4 due to many more reasons. To have a 64-bit version is one of them, and it's an important one (at least, for me).

Fernando Carreiro:

"All that the 64bit version can claim over a 32bit one, is that it can access and manage more resources and maybe also slightly improved processing power. That is all!"

Is not that important enough?. Is it insignificant for you??.

Fernando Carreiro:
Functionality and Usability should be the keys that should define what MT5 may have over MT4 (not whether it is 64 bit or 32 bit).

It influences the functionality.


James Cater:

MQL5 got better in the last 12 months, especially in single threaded performance. However we have had to put in some nasty workarounds to bugs that Metaquotes don't seem to want acknowledge or fix.

And of course we're not permitted to discuss those issues on this forum because it's for "user issues" and not Metaquotes issues.

We should probably set up a "Developer group" that can review the top issues and put some pressure on Metaquotes from the development community, rather than having the platform being driven so much by Marketing and Brokers requirements.

Agree completely! I actually decided NOT to mention "bugs" in my previous post, but the truth is, there are several, and I have not used MT5/MQL5 as much or as extensively as I do MT4/MQL4, so there is probably many more I am not even aware of.

It would be great if MetaQuotes just had an open relationship with the users and had a bug-tracker, listing all known bugs, with the respective work-around, possible ETA for resolution, etc. - just like normal software development companies.

James Cater:

MQL5 got better in the last 12 months, especially in single threaded performance. However we have had to put in some nasty workarounds to bugs that Metaquotes don't seem to want acknowledge or fix.

And of course we're not permitted to discuss those issues on this forum because it's for "user issues" and not Metaquotes issues.

We should probably set up a "Developer group" that can review the top issues and put some pressure on Metaquotes from the development community, rather than having the platform being driven so much by Marketing and Brokers requirements.

I agree. MT5 has things to improve / polish. But he has a lot of future ahead. I guess the developers will do it in future builds.

It would be great to create that group.

MT4 can't be run on mac without virtualization since it's not built for such a system. Therefore, if any inside product bought from mql5 market doesn't work properly in mac we can't blame the programmer for such a problem if something doesn't run fine!!
You can say the same when using emulation of MT4 on windows 64 bit.
As for my self, I'm not interested ( and don't advice ) to move to windows 64 bit just to satisfy manufacturing needs ( and almost it will never be ) as I already collect my own work programs which run on windows 32 bit OS and built for it including MT4 which I already bought some tools I Need to use beside what a broker licence he owns of the platform provides.
Cheers :/

James Cater:

MQL5 got better in the last 12 months, especially in single threaded performance. However we have had to put in some nasty workarounds to bugs that Metaquotes don't seem to want acknowledge or fix.

And of course we're not permitted to discuss those issues on this forum because it's for "user issues" and not Metaquotes issues.

We should probably set up a "Developer group" that can review the top issues and put some pressure on Metaquotes from the development community, rather than having the platform being driven so much by Marketing and Brokers requirements.

Who said it's not permitted ?

I suggest you to start a topic on that subject. 

Fx taster: MT4 can't be run on mac without virtualization since it's not built for such a system. Therefore, if any inside product bought from mql5 market doesn't work properly in mac we can't blame the programmer for such a problem if something doesn't run fine!!
You can say the same when using emulation of MT4 on windows 64 bit.
As for my self, I'm not interested ( and don't advice ) to move to windows 64 bit just to satisfy manufacturing needs ( and almost it will never be ) as I already collect my own work programs which run on windows 32 bit OS and built for it including MT4 which I already bought some tools I Need to use beside what a broker licence he owns of the platform provides.
Cheers :/

Since, I first started with MetaTrader 4, back in 2011, I was already on Windows 7 64-bit. In fact, I have always been using it on 64-bit systems and during all that time, I have never, not once, had any trouble with any product, EA, Indicator, Script not working because it was a 64-bit system.

Mainstream 64-bit hardware has been out since cerca 2003 and 64-bit OSs a few years thereafter. Windows 7 64-bit was released in 2009. We are now in 2017.

Relatively speaking, I think you may be living way back in the past!

Fernando Carreiro:

Since, I first started with MetaTrader 4, back in 2011, I was already on Windows 7 64-bit. In fact, I have always been using it on 64-bit systems and during all that time, I have never, not once, had any trouble with any product, EA, Indicator, Script not working because it was a 64-bit system.

Mainstream 64-bit hardware has been out since cerca 2003 and 64-bit OSs a few years thereafter. Windows 7 64-bit was released in 2009. We are now in 2017.

Relatively speaking, I think you may be living way back in the past!

It's not easy to say about windows 10 32 bit or any 32 bit OS, program or platform " a past " especially if it's compitable with the computer hardware.
But it could be easier to say it's " an early future " for 64 bit alternatives.
Therefore, MT4 32bit is still behind not the users or other platforms which have both 32 bit and 64 bit versions.
For example, just try to run 32bit browser on a 64 bit OS you will feel the incompatibility by your self - it won't be installed :/
Also, and this you might never heard before; MT4 is not compitable with 32 bit of windows 10.
Because ( as it happened with me ) if you try to un install the MT4 (after using windows10 - I'm not saying after upgrading because that is another issue ) and after a while you will notice that it asks for a new activation of merchants :))))
So after an update of windows10 or after a while of not using MT4 you don't be surprised to lose an activation if you try to reinstall it!!

Cheers :/
Alain Verleyen:

Who said it's not permitted ?

I suggest you to start a topic on that subject. 

Actually I found it a very good idea, so I created a new topic to centralize bugs reports about MT5/mql5.
Fx taster:
It's not easy to say about windows 10 32 bit or any 32 bit OS, program or platform " a past " especially if it's compitable with the computer hardware.
But it could be easier to say it's " an early future " for 64 bit alternatives.
Therefore, MT4 32bit is still behind not the users or other platforms which have both 32 bit and 64 bit versions.
For example, just try to run 32bit browser on a 64 bit OS you will feel the incompatibility by your self - it won't be installed :/
Also, and this you might never heard before; MT4 is not compitable with 32 bit of windows 10.
Because ( as it happened with me ) if you try to un install the MT4 (after using windows10 - I'm not saying after upgrading because that is another issue ) and after a while you will notice that it asks for a new activation of merchants :))))
So after an update of windows10 or after a while of not using MT4 you don't be surprised to lose an activation if you try to reinstall it!!

Cheers :/

Let's see. MetaQuotes announced :

We do not expect to see any developments to come out of MT4 ever again. Given this, MT4 is slowly dying out”.

Therefore, as Alain said yesterday:

Alain Verleyen:

There will never exist a 64-bits MT4 version, forget it.

On the other hand, MetaTrader has already a 64-bit version (MT5).

So, you only have 2 options:

1. MT4, a 32-bit only version platform, without any further development in the future by developers (MetaQuotes).

2. MT5, a platform with both (32-bit and 64-bit) versions, whose development MetaQuotes have exclusively focused in.

There are no more options, nor will there ever be.

You can choose.


Fernando Carreiro:

Since, I first started with MetaTrader 4, back in 2011, I was already on Windows 7 64-bit. In fact, I have always been using it on 64-bit systems and during all that time, I have never, not once, had any trouble with any product, EA, Indicator, Script not working because it was a 64-bit system.

Mainstream 64-bit hardware has been out since cerca 2003 and 64-bit OSs a few years thereafter. Windows 7 64-bit was released in 2009. We are now in 2017.

Relatively speaking, I think you may be living way back in the past!

I totally agree with you here.  Regards.