10 Monday Reads

10 Monday Reads

20 October 2014, 15:05
Sergey Golubev
  • What Is Global Market Turbulence Telling Us? (FT)
  • When Stocks Are Expensive, Returns Have Been Lower (The Upshot) see also How Low Will Stocks Go? (WSJ)
  • Seeking a Cause After a Benchmark Bond’s Unnerving Move (Dealbook)
  • Five Reasons to Worry About Deflation (Washington Wire)
  • GM’s Hit and Run: How a Lawyer, Mechanic and Engineer Blew Open the Worst Auto Scandal in History (Pando)
  • European Banks and the Global Banking Glut (Piera)
  • The Plot Against Public Education: How Millionaires and Billionaires Are Ruining Our Schools. (Politico)
  • This Could Be the Future of Battlefield Robotics (NextGov) see also Baidu Embraces Artificial Intelligence to Build a Better Search Engine (Businessweek)
  • Nerd Culture Is Destroying Silicon Valley (Quartz)
  • How To Make $500,000 A Year On Twitter (Fast Company)

What are you reading?