MOAR Brexit! Harry, Hermoine and Ron voting to 'Remain'

21 June 2016, 05:15
Sherif Hasan

Actually, its author J.K Rowling ... but since she is the creator of the 3 in the headline I've taken a bit of licence.

Rowling in a blog post: "On Monsters, Villains and the EU Referendum"
  • "Nationalism is on the march across the Western world, feeding upon the terrors it seeks to inflame"
  • Says the EU was not perfect, but added research had showed Britons were "ignorant of what it gives us"
  • "How can a retreat into selfish and insecure individualism be the right response when Europe faces genuine threats, when the bonds that tie us are so powerful, when we have come so far together?"  
  • "In a few days' time, we'll have to decide which monsters we believe are real and which illusory."

(Given my logic in the headline I suppose Voldemort must be voting remain also. Something for the 'Leave' side at least :-D )