Warm weather caused severe damage in the UK registered the largest decline in industrial production over 3 years

Warm weather caused severe damage in the UK registered the largest decline in industrial production over 3 years

12 January 2016, 18:47
Mohammed Abdulwadud Soubra

United Kingdom

  The results were negative for the United Kingdom today, where industrial production fell in the United Kingdom and the greatest pace of nearly three years in November as a result of lower demand for energy due to the weather warms up. Annual industrial production came below expectations and the previous reading which indicated 1.7% to record 0.9% from now. For the production of annual manufacturing also dropped to -1.2% despite the fact that it was expected to -0.8% and the previous reading to -0.2%. Despite the forecasts referred to 0.0% and the previous reading of 0.1% to the monthly industrial production fell to -0.7%. The monthly manufacturing production came below expectations, which pointed to a 0.1% to match the previous reading in which the -0.4% recorded. The record of the annual BRC sales index decline to 0.1%, although it was expected to record 0.5% and -0.4% previously recorded.
  In the light of the Declaration of industrial production decline in the United Kingdom to a new low record 3 years, Hui pound sterling against the US dollar to its lowest level since June 2010. The report Sterling fell versus all 16 counterparts Alriisiean, near its lowest level against the euro since February .


  Released consumer confidence index for December to show rise to 42.7, despite expectations that they refer to the previous reading of 42.4 to 42.6. The reconnaissance survey of the Eco Watchers - this also it rose to 48.7, although it was expected to score 46.6 and previously recorded 46.1 Similarly rose poll the Eco Watchers - forecast to hit 48.2 for the period despite the fact that it was expected to 48.0 the previous reading to 48.2.


general information

  Ford Motor Company announced a partnership between them and the Amazon to provide personal assistant technology verbal in their cars to help individuals Bmnazlam control of their cars, this will allow for the issuance of the remote control, such as closing the garage door and other orders ..
  The European Union on Monday in which he made a statement that the tax breaks provided by major multinational companies in Belgium illegally and ordered to repay unpaid taxes, which amounted to 700 million euros. Note that the decision was long large companies such as British American Tobacco.
  Finished clothing shop on the Internet BOOHOO.COM 2015 with a series of success. In a statement issued on Tuesday morning, the company said that its revenue in the last four months of 2015 grew by 45%, which is a great result to exceed analysts' expectations by a wide margin. Total revenue has now reached 73.7 million pounds higher than the previous same period last year, in which the record 50.8 million pounds.