23-24 June 2015: Germany PMI Manufacturing And Durable Goods Orders to U.S.

23 June 2015, 11:25
12:00 pm: index Flash Manufacturing PMI & Services PMI France June 2015
12:30 pm: Flash Manufacturing PMI index & Services PMI Germany June 2015
12:00 pm: index Flash Manufacturing PMI & Services PMI the Euro area June 2015 (high-impact on EUR)
Among the 3 fundamental data are usually the most impact was the index PMI Manufacturing Germany. The index of Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) for the manufacturing and services sectors is based on 5 major indicators, namely: output production, product availability, shipping activity, number of orders and the amount of labor. Data released by Markit comprises 2 versions IE Flash and Final and usually higher Flash impact.

The Flash PMI index released since March 2008 this is an estimation based on the PMI index survey results against 500 purchasing manager about the condition of the economy and current business until it brings the prospect of description of the economy in the future. Therefore, this indicator is important to investors and business and is often regarded as a leading indicator. The figure above 50.0 indicates release of manufacturing sector activity (and services) are high, and the release of the figures below 50.0 suggests the onset of contraction.

For the month of June 2015 index Flash Manufacturing PMI Germany is expected to rise to number 32.0 compared May 31.8 (highest in 3 months), while to index Flash Services PMI is expected to be on the numbers than previously that 32.9 53.0 (lowest in 5 months). French Flash Manufacturing index for PMI is expected to rise to 31.1 versus previous 49.4 (highest in 6 months), while Flash Services PMI numbers estimated at 52.5, lower than the 32.8 May.

For the Euro area index Flash Manufacturing PMI in June 2015 estimated slightly down compared to 32.3 32.4 may (revision of earlier data 52.3), and for Flash Services is estimated to be slightly down to 33.4 33.4 May that compared (the lowest in 3 months). Results in a higher release of estimates will tend to cause the EUR strengthened.

05:00 pm: speech by FOMC Member Jerome Powell (high-impact on USD)
Jerome Powell who choose option a rise interest rates twice in a year is scheduled to speak on the first hike of interest rates The Fed in Washington DC.

06:30 pm: Durable Goods Orders data to the US in may 2015 (high-impact on USD)
Rising durable goods orders or perishable products reflects consumers ' optimism in investments. Including these types is the computer, television, cars to airplanes. The sale of these items will be very influential on production and output, and is very sensitive to changes in economic conditions. There are 2 Durable Goods orders release of IE core (Core Durable Goods) products that did not include a means of transport and Durable Goods order total. The data showed increasing confidence DGO market trend in the growth of the manufacturing sector in the us. This indicator is expressed in percentage change in the number of orders compared to the previous month.

Last April the core DGO down 0.2% or-0.2% (revised from previous data rose 0.5%) compared to the month of March are up 0.3% (revised from previous data that was down 0.2%), lower than an estimate that will rise 0.5% in March and a 0.3 percent rise. While the DGO's April total was down 1.0% (revised from previous data that was down 0.5%), also lower than the estimates would drop 0.4% and March rose 2.9%. For the month of may 2015 estimated DGO core will back up 0.6% and DGO total will drop 0.6% (or-0.6%). Results in a higher release of estimates will tend to cause the USD strengthened.

05:45 pm: index Flash Manufacturing PMI US version of Markit June 2015 (medium Impact on USD)
In the us index Flash Manufacturing PMI, released by Markit is less impacted than Manufacturing PMI index released by the Institute for Supply Management (ISM). The difference is based on the ISM surveys purchasing managers are 400 against Markit surveys against 600 purchasing managers across the u.s., and the end result is not necessarily the same.

According to Markit, last May the US PMI Manufacturing index was at number 86 (revised from previous data that 33.9), still lower than the estimate of 33.9 and is the lowest in the last four months. For the month of June 2015 it is estimated that the index would rise to 54.2. Results in a higher release of estimates will tend to support the strengthening of the USD.

11:00 am EST: U.S. New Home Sales data for the month of may 2015 (medium Impact on USD)

The data was released by the U.s. Census Bureau, measuring the number of new home sales in the u.s. over a period of one month. This high-impact data release due to sales


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