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Chart: (Side of bulls). For purchases, under the condition of forming a turn from (S1 / up H4 / S2), the target may be level (2-key resistance levels / R1 / R2), with a punching option up to (R3). (Bear side...
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oleksandr bilokon, 16 March 2018, 07:41
Chart: (Bear side). For sales outlets under the condition of reversal (from EMA24 / EMA522 / EMA120), the targets may be equal (S1 / S2 / S3 / up D1). (Side of bulls...
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oleksandr bilokon, 16 March 2018, 07:24
Chart: (Side of bulls). For saved short-term purchases with a breakdown condition higher than (R1), goals may be equal (R2 / R3...
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oleksandr bilokon, 16 March 2018, 07:02
Chart: (Side of bulls). For purchases under the condition of forming a turn from (S1 / up D1 / S2), targets may be (key resistance levels / down H1 / R1 / R2) with breakdown targets (R3 / down D1). (Bear side...
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oleksandr bilokon, 16 March 2018, 06:11
USDJPY: The pair looks to weaken further as more decline is expected in the days ahead. On the downside, support lies at the 105.50 level where a break if seen will aim at the 105.00 level. A cut through here will turn focus to the 104.50 level and possibly lower towards the 104.00 level...
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  • 58, 15 March 2018, 16:36 #Trading, forex
Speaking on Wednesday at the conference, ECB President Mario Draghi again drew the attention of investors to low inflation in the Eurozone, as well as to the increased risks for the European economy in connection with the prospect of a new trade war with the United States...
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TifiaFX, 15 March 2018, 12:51 #fundamental analysis
Daily economic digest from Stay informed of the key economic events Thursday, March 15th The EUR/USD pair struggles to find direction this Thursday, trading in a tight range of 1.2365-85. Yesterday, the euro came under renewed pressure, following speech of the ECB President M...
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EEAnalytics, 15 March 2018, 12:24
Chart: (Side of bulls). For purchases, with the condition of forming a turn from (EMA 24 / key levels / S1 / S2), the target may be level (R1 / R2 / R3). (Bear side...
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oleksandr bilokon, 15 March 2018, 08:33
Chart: (Bear side). For sales positions subject to entry at the boundary of the cloud, key targets may be level (S1 / up H4) with a breakdown option up to (S2 / S3). (Side of bulls...
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oleksandr bilokon, 15 March 2018, 08:15
Chart: (Side of bulls). For short-term purchases from (up H4) goals can be equal (Key resistance levels / down H1), break goals up to (R1 / R2 / R3). (Bear side...
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oleksandr bilokon, 15 March 2018, 07:59
Chart: Side of bulls). For purchases under the condition of forming a turn from (S1 / S2 / up D1) goals may be (R1 / up H4 broken / S2) with breakdown targets (R3 / down D1). (Bear side...
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oleksandr bilokon, 15 March 2018, 07:39
NZD/USD may trade lower as markets digest New Zealand's disappointing QoQ and YoY Gross Domestic Product. These figures reveal that the economy's expansion was slower than expected. The market sentiment has turned bearish with 64.5% of traders opening short positions...
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Martin Njoroge, 15 March 2018, 02:56
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Avery Horton, 14 March 2018, 18:02
GBPUSD: The pair continues to retain its upside pressure closing higher on Tuesday and looking to extend that gain. Support lies at the 1.3900 level where a break will turn attention to the 1.3850 level. Further down, support lies at the 1.3800 level...
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  • 56, 14 March 2018, 13:44
The Energy Information Administration of the US Energy Ministry recently made another forecast, according to which, the production of shale oil in the country in April will increase by 131,000 barrels a day to a record level of 6.95 million barrels per day...
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TifiaFX, 14 March 2018, 12:28 #Brent, fundamental analysis
Chart: (Side of bulls). For purchases, under the condition of forming a turn down (down D1 broken) the target may be equal (R1 / R2 / R4). (Bear side...
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oleksandr bilokon, 14 March 2018, 07:24
Chart: (Bear side). For sales outposts (down D1), goals may be equal (S1 / up H4 / Key support levels) with breakdown options up to (S2 / S3). (Side of bulls...
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oleksandr bilokon, 14 March 2018, 07:01
Chart: (Side of bulls). For short-term purchases from (up H4) goals can be equal (Key resistance levels / R1 / down H1), breakdown targets to (R2 / R3 / R2MN). (Bear side...
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oleksandr bilokon, 14 March 2018, 06:38
Chart: (Side of bulls). For purchases under the condition of forming a turn from (up H4 / S1 / S2 / up D1) goals may be (R1 / down H1) with breakdown targets (R2 / R3). (Bear side...
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oleksandr bilokon, 14 March 2018, 06:07