HAMA PAD - Une approche simple du trading - page 181


Salut Gramski

J'utilise les indicateurs d'EJ mais je n'arrive pas à reproduire un graphique comme le vôtre. Pouvez-vous nous éclairer ? Merci...........


de beaux indicateurs

comment obtenir le modèle pour les indicateurs et la configuration ?


Voici un bon article d'un autre forum qu'il serait bon de partager avec vous tous, aspirants traders.



Quote from lindq:

My experience as well. 2 years to become "technically" proficient, another year to begin to overcome the the discipline hurdles. A total of 4 years to be profitable and confident in all market conditions.

Really, not unlike any higher education. A year in the dark. A second year of some slight enlightenment. A third year of growing understanding. A fourth year of getting it together.

And all the time, tuition and expenses are being paid.

I'm wondering here if my experience is common that trading doesn't really become consistently profitable until it becomes almost instinctive. And that doesn't happen overnight.

Whatever setups one uses, it really comes down to price action and 'feeling' when to move in, and when to move out.

Whether shooting hoops, hitting golf balls, or trading, to become a professional (self supporting) one has to put in the thousands of hours of doing it until it becomes second nature.
C'est un exemple de mon modèle MTF, une variation de la méthode ZCREST d'EJ avec quelques petits changements... J'ai trouvé qu'elle fournit des signaux d'entrée/sortie très clairs et précis (et pas en retard !) dans toutes les conditions.

Si Picasso avait été un trader de devises........

Je plaisante, mon frère. Joli graphique. Il faut être sacrément bon pour suivre tout ça. Je ne t'ai pas vu ces derniers temps. J'espère que tu viendras bientôt dans la salle des marchés. Tu nous manques, mec.


Oui EJ, je suis d'accord avec votre dernier message

Et considérez qu'après avoir terminé vos études, vous devez commencer par le bas et qu'il faut du temps pour atteindre (si jamais) le sommet.

Si vous étudiez le droit, vous ne serez pas responsable d'une affaire importante.

En médecine, il vous faudra encore 4 à 5 ans avant de pouvoir devenir un "vrai" médecin.

Même en tant que comptable, vous aurez des tâches insignifiantes au départ.

Dans le commerce, vous êtes le PDG dès le premier jour, ce qui explique pourquoi tant de personnes échouent.

Voici un bon post d'un autre forum qui serait bon à partager avec vous tous, aspirants traders.



J'ai vécu cela pendant deux ans, en passant plus de temps devant l'écran qu'en dormant tous les jours, et j'arrive maintenant à un point où je deviens réactif et capable de regarder à gauche du graphique pour voir où le côté droit pourrait aller. Il est également utile d'avoir des personnes formidables comme vous qui poussent les gens dans la bonne direction.

Rien de ce qui vaut la peine d'être accompli n'est facile, mais cela commence à devenir amusant.



Voici ce que Greg a à ajouter à ce sujet dans un autre forum sur les futures emini :

If I may put in my 2 cents

Not everyone is cut out to be a trader, many just do not have the psychological make up for it, and many, I would even say most do not have the financial make up for it.

Mostly, though new traders weed themselves out of the market, by being ill-prepared, ill-informed and ill-equipped. Sort of like a surgeon showing up in the operating room, figuring he would just try a surgery or 2, before he decides if he really wants to be a surgeon.

For some reason traders do this all the time, I am not sure why, perhaps because access to trading accounts and margin is easy. Many who 'give it a try' with zero knowledge last only a few months, blow their account and never return.

The statistics in the industry are very clear on this.

By the time a wannabe trader figures out it's more complicated than that, he is now operating from a financial and psychological perspective of failure.

I personally know many traders who are successful some who earn a fair living equivalent to other professionals, and some others who earn many times that in a single year.

Last years bonuses for traders at wall street firms set all time records.

Like any business, like any industry and any profession, there will always those who succeed and those who don't.

What separates the two? (a hint, it's the same for any profession)

Hard work, A positive attitude, Perseverance, Time and Discipline

Trading is Evolution not Revolution.

It is not a get rich quick lottery, it is not a game

Many go to Med school, Biz School, Law School and never graduate, they can't cut it. Does that mean that there are no successful Doctors, Businessmen or lawyers in the world?

Not everyone is cut out for every profession, that's just how it is.

Traders do have 1 clear disadvantage, they are allowed (as long as they have $2,000 to open an account) to try their hand at it, it seems to be the ONLY profession where the proper education comes after instead of prior to execution

Just my 2 cents worth


Greg est un trader professionnel très astucieux et le concepteur de la méthode et du cours d'étude The Trading Zone. C'est l'un des meilleurs cours de trading que j'ai rencontrés.




Oooops ! J'ai oublié ce que Greg a ajouté.

Fives you bring up another very good point, which is that there must be a fit, between the Trader and the Style of trading.

Many traders see others having success with a style and yet they are not able to.

Your psychology, risk tolerance etc.. all come into play in determining if a style is right for you.

I know JP is a fine trader I have seen him trade. I too use Market Profile but trade a vastly different way than JP does.

And I know I could not trade his way.

My personality requires that I take more trades in a day and hold them for shorter periods of time. This is what works for me.

There is no question that it takes time to discover your "Trading Personality" and then find the style that fits best with it.

So the question is, will a trader still be around financialy, after trying a few styles that may not be right for him.

I think traders need to do more research, and ask the right questions before taking on a style

Such as how many trades per day, do you ever hold overnight positions, how long is the average trade held, what type of stops are used, do you scale in and out of positions etc.....

And next, paper or sim trade that style for a while to see how it feels.

I know that even on a sim trade I could not hold a trade all day, just not my style


Est-ce que c'est JUSTE LA NOUVELLE ?

Est-ce que votre méthode vous a permis de vous mettre en place avant les nouvelles ?



Dossiers :

Comprendre le marché et ses manipulations

Est-ce que ce sont les nouvelles qui ont provoqué la GRANDE chute du marché ? Je ferai plus de commentaires à ce sujet plus tard dans la semaine. Pour l'instant, regardez cette vidéo :

YouTube - Jim Cramer sur la manipulation des marchés

YouTube - L'argent intelligent dirige les marchés financiers ?

et plus encore sur le site.


