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Boring Pips MT5


¿Alguna vez te has preguntado por qué la mayoría de los asesores expertos no son efectivos en el trading en vivo, a pesar de su perfecto rendimiento en las pruebas retrospectivas?

La respuesta más probable es el sobreajuste. Muchos EAs se crean para 'aprender' y adaptarse perfectamente a los datos históricos disponibles, pero fallan en predecir el futuro debido a la falta de generalización en el modelo construido.

Algunos desarrolladores simplemente desconocen la existencia del sobreajuste, o lo saben pero no tienen una forma de prevenirlo. Otros lo explotan como una herramienta para embellecer los resultados de las pruebas retrospectivas, agregando docenas de parámetros de entrada sin considerar la significancia estadística, haciendo que la estrategia de trading esté excesivamente adaptada a los datos históricos e intentando convencer a otros de que su EA puede lograr un rendimiento similar en el futuro.

Si estás interesado en este fascinante tema y quieres obtener una visión más profunda sobre el sobreajuste, por favor consulta mis artículos aquí:

Avoiding Over-fitting in Trading Strategy (Part 1): Identifying the Signs and Causes

Avoiding Over-fitting in Trading Strategy (Part 2): A Guide to Building Optimization Processes

Hay varias formas de evitar perder dinero en un asesor experto cuya única 'ventaja' es leer datos pasados, y la forma más fácil es NUNCA USAR UN ASESOR EXPERTO SIN RESULTADOS DE TRADING EN VIVO DURANTE AL MENOS 5 MESES O 300 OPERACIONES RASTREADAS, INDEPENDIENTEMENTE DE SI ES GRATUITO O TIENE BUENOS RESULTADOS EN LAS PRUEBAS RETROSPECTIVAS. Monitorear el rendimiento de las operaciones en vivo es la forma más simple de observar el rendimiento de un EA con datos que nunca ha visto antes.


Proceso de optimización de Boring Pips: un riguroso proceso de validación que crea una diferencia.

Boring Pips se somete a un proceso de optimización exhaustivo y personalizado llamado Anti-sobreajuste. Este es un proceso robusto de optimización implementado para eliminar cualquier influencia del sobreajuste en el sistema comercial, asegurando la generalidad del modelo construido. Consulte el artículo vinculado en la Parte 2 anterior para obtener una visión más detallada de este proceso.

El proceso de Anti-sobreajuste consta de 3 etapas:

- Optimización inicial: Esta etapa implica optimizar Boring Pips utilizando datos históricos de 2010 a 2019. El objetivo de esta fase es probar la premisa inicial de la estrategia comercial y extraer los valores de parámetros más robustos.

- Walk-forward: En la segunda etapa, se prueban los parámetros que tuvieron un buen desempeño en la primera etapa utilizando datos completamente nuevos que van desde 2019 hasta 2022. El objetivo es asegurar la estabilidad del sistema comercial con datos frescos y evaluar el poder predictivo del modelo.

- Pruebas de estrés: Los valores de los parámetros que pasan las dos primeras etapas se someterán a pruebas de estrés. En esta prueba final, se utiliza un algoritmo de simulación para introducir variables como el ruido y el retraso en los puntos de entrada y salida iniciales (determinados por los parámetros seleccionados de la fase de Walk-forward). El objetivo es llevar al sistema más allá de su "zona de confort" y evaluar la tolerancia del sistema a factores aleatorios como el retraso y el ruido.

Monitoreo de operaciones en vivo: Los valores de parámetros más robustos extraídos del proceso de Anti-sobreajuste se han probado para el rendimiento comercial con una cuenta real desde el 10 de octubre de 2022. Esta cuenta se está monitoreando a través del enlace a continuación.

Live trading performance: Live signals

MT4 version for Boring Pips: MT4

Please refer to the Boring Pips FAQ here.


Introducción al algoritmo Boring Pips

El sistema de trading Boring Pipses una combinación de algoritmos de inteligencia artificial de vanguardia y estrategias de trading clásicas que involucran: impulso, zonas de oferta y demanda y retroceso de Fibonacci. Específicamente, el EA utiliza una fórmula avanzada basada en algoritmos de aprendizaje profundo para medir simultáneamente el impulso de los precios en 4 marcos de tiempo. Este análisis ayuda a identificar instancias donde se sincroniza la disminución del impulso del precio en zonas potenciales de oferta y demanda, lo que permite al sistema tomar decisiones de trading informadas. Todo el proceso, desde el escaneo de señales hasta la entrada y salida de posiciones, se realiza completamente de forma automatizada en 4 pasos:

- Paso 1: Se utiliza un algoritmo avanzado para escanear continuamente las zonas de oferta y demanda, que son áreas potenciales donde es probable que los precios reaccionen.

- Paso 2: Boring Pips utiliza un algoritmo sofisticado y único creado por inteligencia artificial para detectar cualquier cambio en el impulso del precio después de un movimiento de precio fuerte en diferentes marcos de tiempo.

- Paso 3: El sistema toma decisiones de trading cuando el precio pierde impulso en las zonas de oferta y demanda previamente identificadas, prediciendo una reversión.

- Paso 4: Boring Pips gestiona las operaciones basándose en la regla de distribución de probabilidades para garantizar la máxima explotación de la ventaja de trading que ofrece el punto de entrada.




 Boring Pips




 MT4, MT5

 Estrategias de trading

 Momentum, Zonas de oferta y demanda, Retroceso de Fibonacci, Inteligencia artificial

 Pares recomendados


 Marco de tiempo


 EA Multimoneda

 Sí. Un gráfico para todos los símbolos


 Sí. Trailing


 Sí. Fijo





 Gestión de riesgo manual

 Sí. Entrada de parada / Cierre de todas las posiciones

Instalación recomendada

  •  Instale Boring Pips en uno de los gráficos de AUDCAD/AUDNZD/NZDCAD, con un marco de tiempo de M5.
  •  Símbolos de trading: seleccione el par de divisas de trading (optimizado para AUDCAD/AUDNZD/NZDCAD).
  •  Modo de riesgo: seleccione un modo de riesgo adecuado (Boring, Low risk, Medium risk or High risk).
  •  Saldo base: Elija la cantidad de saldo para asignar al trading.
  •  Configuraciones de personalización: por favor, consulte las instrucciones detalladas.
  •  Configuraciones de gestión de riesgos: por favor, consulte las instrucciones detalladas

- Se recomienda encarecidamente realizar pruebas retrospectivas con datos de alta calidad de modelado de proveedores de ticks de terceros como Tick Data Suite o Tick Story.

- Por favor, envíeme un mensaje después de comprar el EA para recibir soporte completo.

Si tiene alguna consulta o comentario sobre Boring Pips, no dude en enviarme un mensaje privado.

Comentarios 39
Gabriel Macedo Trindade
Gabriel Macedo Trindade 2025.02.16 17:24 

I would like to express my gratitude to the author of this EA, as it is a highly reliable and credible system. I'm very happy with this EA, I've been using it for 4 months on a real account of 100 dollars to do tests and the EA has already doubled my invested capital. Congratulations to Andy.

MrDr Wave
MrDr Wave 2025.02.03 13:13 

The Boring Pips is a boring EA. It trades very infrequently, you'd be lucky to trade once a week. But in return, you get an EA that you do not have to worry about. I have run it for 5 months and have never flinched when it is trading. I can truly set this up and forget about it. It's great!

marvis 2025.01.29 12:45 

Constant profits since I bought the EA 1 year ago and installed it in the live account. The author replies quickly and friendly.

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Bardia Mansouri Baghbaderani
Hi. This Expert trade XAUUSD based on trade levels . money management use hedge based on these trade levels There is Minor Trades with add just one extra Position (TP and SL are different  From main Position and calculeted by EA) you could make Minor Trades on or off Very Simple setting just to set risk and put it on XAUUSD chart. Time frame is not Important it will get all data automatically Risk could be number between 0.01 and 0.99 . recommended Risk is 0.03 . which mean we loss 3 Percent on
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This EA will capture small gold movement at night. It is based on certain sideway pattern of gold which has been persisting for many years. Tracking Account Gold Nightfall Features : No Martingale, grid or averaging. All trades have Stop Loss and Take Profit. Only one or two trades most of the time Currency: Gold/ XAUUSD Low exposure to the market, short holding time, perfect to work together with other EAs for diversification No over weekend holding Customizable risks: fixed lot, lot per x $ of
This is an expert advisor meant to grow small accounts with low risk trading strategy, buit to trade ranging chart symbols and has a wide range of multipliers to grow with your account .  Trades with martinagale, grid and hedging to scalp the market,. Should trade with "ENABLE_TRAILING" in the inputs field turned to true. Fine tuning the inputs is also recommended depending on the chart to trade. kindly reachout for more advise and config after purchasing/subscribing to the EA. Trade safe...
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Nestor Alejandro Chiariello
Hola traders, he diseñado de forma rigurosa esta herramienta con resultados reales, herramienta basada en varias de mis Estrategias anteriores, adaptándola al Mercado Forex, por lo tanto está adaptada a la inteligencia artificial de machine learning, es decir, la IA leerá parámetros para luego consultarlos a mi estrategia, luego aprenderá para que las entradas sean de mejor calidad, también tiene un nodo donde puedes recuperar posiciones, otra de las cosas innovadoras que encontrarás es que tod
AI Golden Jet Fighter GTX   MT5 es un Asesor Experto (EA) sencillo y eficiente para operar con oro en la plataforma Meta Trader 5. Este EA, que utiliza redes neuronales, está diseñado para hacer scalping en el mercado del oro (XAU/USD). La estrategia principal de AI Golden Jet Fighter GTX se centra en identificar pequeñas fluctuaciones de precios y abrir posiciones para capturar ganancias en plazos cortos. El EA analiza las condiciones del mercado en tiempo real y ejecuta automáticamente operac
Neon Trade MT5
Evgeniy Ilin
3.86 (7)
La quintaesencia de un enfoque integral, cuyo objetivo principal es obtener ganancias a largo plazo y realistas con riesgos mínimos para el comerciante. La base son los conceptos avanzados de trading combinados con el aprendizaje automático, que se potencian efectivamente entre sí. Otra característica única es que el sistema no necesita ser optimizado, ya que esta función la realizan mis servidores. Las configuraciones actualizadas se publican diariamente en nuestros canales de Telegram, manten
Aura Neuron MT5
Stanislav Tomilov
5 (8)
Aura Neuron es un asesor experto distintivo que continúa la serie de sistemas de negociación Aura. Al aprovechar las redes neuronales avanzadas y las estrategias de negociación clásicas de vanguardia, Aura Neuron ofrece un enfoque innovador con un excelente rendimiento potencial. Este asesor experto, totalmente automatizado, está diseñado para operar en pares de divisas como EURUSD y XAUUSD (ORO). Ha demostrado una estabilidad constante en estos pares desde 1999 hasta 2023. El sistema evita técn
CyNeron MT5
Svetlana Pawlowna Grosshans
3.93 (14)
CyNeron: Comercio de Precisión con Innovación en Inteligencia Artificial Señales :   CyNeron Manual y archivos de configuración : Contáctame después de la compra para recibir el manual y los archivos de configuración Precio : El precio aumenta según el número de copias vendidas Copias disponibles : 5 Análisis de Instantáneas impulsado por IA: Una Primicia en el Mercado CyNeron es el primer EA en el mercado que integra inteligencia artificial avanzada en un enfoque revolucionario de comercio, ca
Signal:  Live AI Quant Price: The price increases based on the number of licenses sold.  The starting price for this EA was $1089. Available copies: 10 Suitable  for prop firm trading This is my most powerful EA, leveraging 10 uncorrelated entry signals. In essence, it combines the functionality of 10 EAs into one, making it exceptionally robust while minimizing drawdowns. (Drawdowns refer to the inevitable periods of losses experienced in any genuine trading strategy.) Strategies that claim to
Executor AI Ultra X es un asesor experto diseñado para el trading algorítmico en el mercado del oro, utilizando tres estrategias de trading independientes. Su arquitectura incorpora algoritmos avanzados de aprendizaje profundo, como Deep Q-Learning (DQN) y Redes Neuronales con Retardo de Tiempo (TDNN), lo que proporciona alta adaptabilidad y precisión analítica. DQN , basado en técnicas de aprendizaje por refuerzo, optimiza los algoritmos de toma de decisiones mediante la simulación de datos his
PrizmaL 270 in 1 EA Una herramienta poderosa para traders profesionales. Consulta esta publicación de blog para más detalles:  Publicación de blog Este asesor experto incluye 270 estrategias únicas en 29 pares de divisas: AUDCAD, AUDCHF, AUDJPY, AUDNZD, AUDUSD, CADCHF, CADJPY, CHFJPY, EURAUD, EURCAD, EURCHF, EURGBP, EURJPY, EURNZD, EURUSD, GBPAUD, GBPCAD, GBPCHF, GBPJPY, GBPNZD, GBPUSD, NZDCAD, NZDCHF, NZDJPY, NZDUSD, USDCAD, USDCHF, USDJPY, XAUUSD. Con una interfaz única para seleccionar di
Oracle MT5
Stanislav Tomilov
5 (19)
Oracle: el futuro del trading Oracle Trading Expert para Meta Trader está diseñado para ofrecer un rendimiento confiable en los mercados de GBPUSD y oro, aprovechando las últimas técnicas de programación y herramientas de aprendizaje automático. Con algoritmos patentados y una red neuronal integrada, Oracle analiza los datos de manera efectiva, lo que ayuda a los usuarios a tomar decisiones comerciales informadas. El diseño de Oracle también enfatiza la estabilidad: sus estrategias están diseñad
This EA does not have update every week like some scam programs do, to hide the loss trade. Also, they use grid tactics which soon or laiter will burn your account, there is no such thing here! The tactics are set, the robot is doing his thing...the sky is the limit. So sit, watch, enjoy and beSmiley :) This robot is the result of really big work and analysis, it took me 5 years to come to these results. All I'm asking for is a 5 star(no less!) and positive comment when you see the results. Than
Denis Kurnev
3.66 (119)
The AI Gen ProX Expert Advisor is a powerful solution based on advanced market analysis and data processing technologies. Utilizing cutting-edge algorithms for time series analysis and complex mathematical models, it ensures high accuracy in forecasts and automates trading processes. The EA is designed to combine performance and reliability, making it an effective tool for trading.   Real Time Signal GEN PRoX:  https://www.mql5.com/ru/signals/2283186 The price of the advisor will increase signif
The Gold Phoenix
William Brandon Autry
4.33 (6)
Gold Phoenix GPT - La Herramienta Definitiva de Trading con IA para Pares de Oro Gold Phoenix GPT es una herramienta de trading de vanguardia diseñada específicamente para pares de oro, utilizando una potente estrategia de ruptura en el marco temporal M1. Impulsada por inteligencia artificial avanzada, incluido ChatGPT y el aprendizaje automático, está diseñada para ayudar a los traders de todos los niveles a sobresalir en los mercados de oro de rápido movimiento. ¡Solo quedan 3 copias por solo
bienvenido a       Asesor GoldExcel       Para MetaTrader5 esta es la mejor solución para el comercio automatizado utilizando el instrumento XAUUSD (GOLD). Nuestro sistema ha demostrado su desempeño, teniendo en cuenta nuestra contabilidad desde       De 1000 a 34.000 dólares americanos       Rendimiento aquí:   https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/2266088 GoldExcel ha sido consistentemente rentable durante los últimos 12 meses y es una opción confiable en el mundo del trading. Experimente el poder d
Signal: Live Range Sniper Price: The price increases based on the number of licenses sold.  The starting price for this EA was $899. Available copies: 10 Suitable  for prop firm trading This is a short-term intraday trading strategy that utilizes four different entry signals, designed to capture significant movements in the style of a sharpshooter. It does not hold positions overnight and will close all trades by the end of the day. Because it uses four different entry signals, it is very robus
All explainations about the strategy:  https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/747470 Live signals:  Main account:  https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/1416185 Second account:  https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/2111323 Here I will explain only the EA inputs part. This EA will be consistently updated with new and unpredictable things that can bring its performance to a better level every day! Buying this EA you will not only got a powerful automatic trading system, but also all knowledge and experience I'v
XG Gold Robot MT5
Marzena Maria Szmit
4.28 (79)
The XG Gold Robot MT5 is specially designed for Gold. We decided to include this EA in our offering after extensive testing . XG Gold Robot and works perfectly with the XAUUSD, GOLD, XAUEUR pairs. XG Gold Robot has been created for all traders who like to Trade in Gold and includes additional a function that displays weekly Gold levels with the minimum and maximum displayed in the panel as well as on the chart, which will help you in manual trading. It’s a strategy based on Price Action, Cycle S
Mr Bitcoin AI
Nestor Alejandro Chiariello
5 (2)
Hola traders, he diseñado esta herramienta con resultados reales de manera rigurosa, herramienta basada en varias de mis Estrategias AI anteriores, Mr Bitcoin AI se basa en realizar operaciones de compra y venta de activos financieros en periodos muy cortos de tiempo, buscando obtener ganancias de pequeñas fluctuaciones en los precios. Al aplicarlo a Bitcoin, un scalper utiliza inteligencia artificial y algoritmos de aprendizaje automático para analizar grandes cantidades de datos del mercado
Spyder MT5
Muhammad Zahran Rahmadi Putra
ONLY 5 COPIES OUT OF 5 LEFT AT $399!, After that, the price will be raised to $599. Hello, traders!, the newest and a very powerful Spyder MT5 of Expert Advisors. My specifically designed to run on the XAUUSD/GOLD pair, I trade the XAUUSD pair with precision and confidence, bringing you unparalleled trading opportunities on the glittering gold market. I am here to prove that I am the most advanced Gold trading Expert Advisor ever created. Spyder MT5 EA is more selective and accurate in signal e
Robot autotrading forex yang bekerja secara full otomatis menggunakan Strategi Scalping yang sangat profitable.Tidak menggunakan metode strategi yang berbahaya dalam trading yang menyebabkan hilangnya seluruh Deposit secara tajam seperti Hedging, Martingale, Grid, Arbitrage, dll. Kelebihan RainScalper adalah memiliki status Live Development yang berkesinambungan dalam jangka panjang berbeda dengan robot lain yang sering berganti nama ketika terjadi crash/mc; serta memiliki kemampuan multi-strate
Otros productos de este autor
Boring Pips MT4
Thi Thu Ha Hoang
4.73 (15)
¿Alguna vez te has preguntado por qué la mayoría de los asesores expertos no son efectivos en el trading en vivo, a pesar de su perfecto rendimiento en las pruebas retrospectivas? La respuesta más probable es el sobreajuste. Muchos EAs se crean para 'aprender' y adaptarse perfectamente a los datos históricos disponibles, pero fallan en predecir el futuro debido a la falta de generalización en el modelo construido. Algunos desarrolladores simplemente desconocen la existencia del sobreajuste, o l
Gabriel Macedo Trindade
Gabriel Macedo Trindade 2025.02.16 17:24 

I would like to express my gratitude to the author of this EA, as it is a highly reliable and credible system. I'm very happy with this EA, I've been using it for 4 months on a real account of 100 dollars to do tests and the EA has already doubled my invested capital. Congratulations to Andy.

MrDr Wave
MrDr Wave 2025.02.03 13:13 

The Boring Pips is a boring EA. It trades very infrequently, you'd be lucky to trade once a week. But in return, you get an EA that you do not have to worry about. I have run it for 5 months and have never flinched when it is trading. I can truly set this up and forget about it. It's great!

marvis 2025.01.29 12:45 

Constant profits since I bought the EA 1 year ago and installed it in the live account. The author replies quickly and friendly.

Ed 2025.01.20 14:12 

I am using the MT4 and MT5 versions. That's why I post review to both of them. This is a great EA. Steady and consistent. One of the jewels here in mql5. Coder of the EA Thi/Andy has a great support. And you have settings for prop firms. I advise this EA to anyone. Besides, settings are simple.

brainiacz 2025.01.10 21:38 

This is one of the rare, honest systems that works long term and author still updates this regularly. It doesnt promise miracles, but rather provides steady returns. Author gladly helps with anything. I would recommend this EA.

gwayne9595 2024.12.10 20:01 

Consistent performing EA and accurate entries. It doesn't trade often but when it does it's efficient. Andy was helpful to look into issues where my broker seemingly caused the EA to trade less than the signals. Pricefeed differences can cause the trade frequency to vary a bit but overall it's still consistent. Keep at medium or low risk. Recommended!

Wolverine369 2024.11.29 15:19 

Had this EA for over a year now and its my most consistent one. Ive purchased all the big ones and they usually dont stay on my platform for too long in live trading however Boring Pips is still there and making profits, slow and steady. Currency's it trades on trade in a zone this is what makes it boring and profitable imo

TradeArmin 2024.11.28 11:32 

unbelieveable, never had a EA with such a consistent performance and small drawdown - if you are looking for a constant growing EA with less DD, this will be the right one

Lorenz 2024.11.28 10:10 

This EA is perfect for anyone now wanting to take big risks and is satisfied with stable 3-8% profit per month without having any significant drawdowns. Andy (thats his english name) is a super kind and professional guy and is always there for you if you have any problems or questions. I have the bot running for 5 months now and I slowly increased my account size as I got more and more comfortable with it. It is now running € 10k live on IC Markets with the low risk setting and 1.3x the recommended lot size. Before this I had it on medium risk. These are my monthly results starting from 3rd of June 2024: 1st: 7,43 % 2nd: 6,30 % 3rd: 5,81 % 4th: 5,80 % 5th: 6,70 % I need to add here that I had some outages, in total about a bit more than 2 weeks because of mistakes that I made, so profits could have been slightly better even. Biggest drawdown I witnessed was about 15-20% and it happened only once. Most of the time it does not have drawdowns at all. If there is one it usually stays around the 10% mark. Andy made a great automated application of the mean reversion strategy on the typical 3 pairs. I can confirm the reviews are not botted, the results are real and so is my account :-) Lets just all hope the 3 pairs stay in their range so we can keep farming! Sorry for the bad format, but appearently you can not use paragraphs in reviews.

Nicholas James Mc Cluskey
Nicholas James Mc Cluskey 2024.11.14 16:10 

This EA is consistent. It is all you need for passive income with no worries involved

evandall1 2024.09.11 19:38 

Excellent EA, just what I was looking for to diversify and please to announce Boring Pips as part of my wealth generation portfolio. Andy is thorough and the documentation is comprehensive, I followed all his instructions and the EA has been generating profits out of the box since day one. Looking forward to your next offering!

Wojciech Daniel Knoff
Wojciech Daniel Knoff 2024.08.23 11:11 

For the past three years, I have been in search of a high-quality EA program and did not anticipate finding one that would exceed my expectations. Since February 2024, I have been using Boring Pips in low-risk mode on a real account, and I am pleased to report consistent profits. The program has already paid for itself. I extend my gratitude for providing such an exceptional tool. Andy, please continue the great work!

GoodFella007 2024.07.24 17:33 

Must say, this is one of the best EA'S i've bought. This is not my main account I bought it with another account to avoid VAT costs. But the seller is really helpfull. Answers to all your questions. So far its really consisent. No really big DD either. If you want to buy any EA. I would say you should try this one. Min deposit 1k, start on boring mode or medium risk.

Remnantcine 2024.07.09 09:33 

This is one of two bots I have bought on MLQ5 that I trust to leave my money with on a passive basis. It's a brilliant design and Thi is such a gentleman and really clear in his communication and support. This paid for itself very quickly and serves as a reliable and profitable foundation for my algo trading. I use other EAs with it but I give them much less capital to trade than Boring - it's just very sensibly and elegantly designed. Read Thi's blogs on over optimization and curve fitting and check out his live signal - I found them instantly persuasive - this is the real deal.

pggo88 2024.07.09 02:13 

I have been trying a lot of EAs on the pas tyears. Boring pips is almost bulletproof if you understand how it works and manage money wisely. The author brings solid and permanent support. I can say it's one of the smartest grid strategy out there, I use it for long term with decent gains over the past months. My only advice would be to go low risk with 50 up to 60% of acc balance, just in case you end up in tough positions. Last but not least, the author is bringing continuous improvements and it feels good as a retail trader to feel that levels of professionalism from a seller. 100% trusted and recommended.

Rafael Alfredo Capucho
Rafael Alfredo Capucho 2024.06.12 22:15 

Honestly It isn't working for me as it works in the strategy tests, I'm running it for 3.5 months in multiple accounts, all are negative. I'm skeptical, I changed the settings to don't open new positions, I will be removing it when it finishes its currently opened positions, I definitively don't recommend, there are many better EAs even cheaper than this one. I'm sorry, I don't trusts its strategy tests, looks manipulated for me.

Thi Thu Ha Hoang
Respuesta del desarrollador Thi Thu Ha Hoang 2024.06.30 11:10
Hi Raphael,
I regret to learn of your trading difficulties. Despite this, the EA has yielded a profit of approximately 14-16% over the past 3.5 months, as evidenced by the signal account on MQL5 and Myfxbook, which are accessible for real-time monitoring.
Trading will be difficult at times, it is crucial to adhere to the guidelines provided for the EA and trade the recommended currency pairs. Kindly seek advice from me before deviating from the instructions regarding the EA.
Sebastian Kluck
Sebastian Kluck 2024.05.08 04:42 


Luisa E.
Luisa E. 2024.05.07 18:52 

It works, one of 2 EA's that I use for longterm investment, small stable profit, month by month, support also really good if there are questions. So I can recommend the EA in this moment! Dont waste your money for expensive scam.

Trek71 2024.05.01 13:05 

Even though I am very skeptical about EA's with Grid/Martingale strategy, BoringPips has been generating a constant profit on my account for over half a year now - 10/2023-05/2024. If you follow the developer's recommendations, your account is safe. A very stable strategy in the long term. Of course, I recommend checking it out first on the demo and then on the live one. Thanks Thi Thu Ha Hoang for helping me build my financial independence.

chpol8 POL
chpol8 POL 2024.04.21 10:23 

Loss, losss, loss.

Thi Thu Ha Hoang
Respuesta del desarrollador Thi Thu Ha Hoang 2024.04.22 13:52
Hi chpol8 POL,
Boring Pips EAs have no issues trading with accounts in base currencies as EUR or GBP, JPY, AUD, and others. In fact, you can trade it on any account regardless of its base currency. I am always here to support users with setting up and operating EA. Please feel free to leave a message if you need any assistance.
Respuesta al comentario
Versión 4.3 2024.11.23
For more details, please visit the link: https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/760025

1. The EA no longer uses medium-reliability entry signals in the default settings. While these signals increased trading frequency, they were not as reliable as expected and contributed to the Drawdown in June 2024. Users can still access these signals by selecting 'Personalised setting'; see the conversion table from version 4.x to 4.3 at the end of this article.

2. A new "Risk Management" feature has been added, allowing users to set Drawdown levels as a percentage of their balance instead of in base currency, triggering Close/Stop actions accordingly.

Users must first choose a method in 'Drawdown Calculation', then input the value in the 'When getting this DD level' section:

- For percentage-based calculations, 100 indicates 100% of the account balance.

- For calculations in base currency (USD), 100 represents 100 USD.

3. The lot increase coefficient has been slightly reduced, resulting in a less aggressive volume increase.
Versión 4.2 2024.08.09
Version 4.2:

The market exhibits considerable sensitivity to information concerning the timing of interest rate adjustments and geopolitical events. Accordingly, I have decided to limit orders to entry models with a medium level of reliability. Version 4.2 will incorporate the following modifications:

1. Increase the difficulty of entry signals to avoid premature entries in the current one-way market trend. (Only applicable to medium reliability entry models; high reliability entry models are unaffected).

2. Modify the volume rounding method for enhanced safety.

The difficulty of entry models will be determined based on volatility through the end of the year, allowing for downward adjustments as necessary.
Versión 4.1 2024.07.19
In version 4.0, the introduction of the 'Max positions per group' condition unintentionally results in secondary positions remaining open when the Grid strategy is turned off.

Update 4.1 addresses this issue by ensuring that each group opens only one position when the Grid strategy is disabled.
Versión 4.0 2024.06.30
Update 4.0: https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/758260

1. For accounts with a base currency (deposit currency) other than USD, the EA will now automatically convert currencies to USD for calculating trading volume, eliminating the need for manual conversion.
2. The 'Base balance' will now be determined as a PERCENTAGE of the account balance rather than being fixed in USD, facilitating Auto_lot function (allows trading volume adjusts with the account balance).
3. Enhanced risk management options include:
- Setting the maximum number of currency pairs to be traded at the same time.
- Setting the maximum number of positions per group (a grid series of positions closed together)
- Setting the maximum spread for trading.
4. Additional display preferences:
- Option to Enable/Disable Dashboard visibility.
- Option to Enable/Disable display of supply/demand zones on the chart.
- Customization of Order Comments is now supported.
Versión 3.31 2023.11.08
Fixing the conflict error that was caused by the comment on manual orders (MT5 version).
Versión 3.3 2023.10.13
1. Risk reduction with High Risk mode:
- Decrease trading frequency by 15% compared to version 3.2 (with Higher Trading frequency and only applies to models with medium reliability).
- Decrease TP distance by 33% compared to version 3.2 (only applies to models with medium reliability).
2. Add warning for accounts with base currency other than USD.
3. Add warning for incorrect currency pairs or not added to marketwatch (with MT5 version).
Versión 3.2 2023.08.22
Update version 3.2: Changing the way input symbols are entered.