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Trade with Gann on your side!! MASTER CIRCLE 360 CIRCLE CHART, originally created by Gann admitted that this is “The Mother of all charts”. It is one of the last studies that this great trader left for us. The numeric tab le is apparently quite simple like all the tables and is based on square numbers, the SQUARE OF 12 and is by evolution, one of the most important square numbers. Here we can find CYCLE, PRICE AND TIME thanks to angles and grades, to show past and future support and resistance.
MM Deepness Arrows
Francesco Rubeo
5 (2)
Easily access to a deep knowledge of the market movement with "M.M. Deepness Arrows"!! This indicator will give you advices on buys and sells after having analized the deepness of the market. The entrance "trigger" will be given after studying each candles' max and min avoiding, this way, the misleading data released by the opening and closure prices (given by the brokers). Thanks to the use of these arrows you'll be able to easily understand if i'ts the right time to buy or sell. If you want th
Currencies Cleaner  panel will give you an overview of all the most traded market's currencies in a single click. First of all the panel will refresh all your charts, opening them four times in all timeframes needed. 1 - CURRENCIES It uses a complex algorithm to study the movement of 17 different indicators. It means that the algorithm not only "reads" the actual value of an indicator, but also creates a probability of success using the position of this value on the indicator and the last movem
Currencies Cleaner panel will give you an overview of all the most traded market's currencies in a single click. First of all the panel will refresh all your charts, opening them four times in all timeframes needed. 1 - CURRENCIES It uses a complex algorithm to study the movement of 17 different indicators. It means that the algorithm not only "reads" the actual value of an indicator, but also creates a probability of success using the position of this value on the indicator and the last moveme
Stay updated with Multicurrency Overview!! The algorithm of this EA releases an average of the movement percentage of all the Forex currencies linked to a single currency, isolating it, letting us to comprehend its real and specific trend. Above on the left, a panel show us efficiently the trend of the currency, in the timeframe actually used. The second panel will keep you updated on macroeconomic news. P.N.:The news time is based on your pc clock time, this way you won't have any problem reg
This software will give you the possibility to do different things (both in live markets and in strategy tester) . You'll have at your disposal 5 operative panels, each one of these have buttons that let you interact easily at market: 1. Opened Orders Manager (screenshot 1): 6 buttons: Close all buy orders. Close all sell orders. Close all orders. Close all profitable buy orders. Close all profitable sell orders. Hedge orders. 2. Stop Orders Manager (screenshot 1): 2 informative sections: Numer
Francesco Rubeo
This software will give you the possibility to preset your management strategy (both in live markets and in strategy tester). You will have at your disposal 8 operative buttons. 4 for Buy positions (from left to right): Buy at market. Buy limit. Buy stop. Set buying time. 4 for Sell positions: Sell at market. Sell limit. Sell stop. Set selling time. After you have decided one of the 4 options you can easily preset: Lot size. Stop loss, both in points and average volatility (D1 timeframe). Take
Swing Reader
Francesco Rubeo
5 (1)
Read Elliott wave principle automatically. With the Swing Reader, you can easily read the Elliott Wave Principle through an automatic system. With swing, we mean a ZigZag market that is created by a breakout of its standard deviation. You can set the deviation manually, or you can let the indicator do it automatically (setting the deviation to zero). Advantages you get Never repaints. Points showing a horizontal line, in which statistically a long wave ends. Candles showing a vertical line in
AR Dashboard
Francesco Rubeo
Easily and rapidly access to the average range of all the markets with "A.R. Dashboard"!! This professional multi-timeframe indicator will show you the average range of all desired markets (till 50) with one click!!  Choose the number of bars to calculate the average range and this indicator will show you, automatically, this average range in points of the chosen markets for each timeframe. You'll have at your disposal two panels: AR Dashboard : Main panel. Notifications Settings : Here you can
Welcome all to the famous Gann's "Square Of 9"!! This method was used by one of the best traders in the history, a person who made his way among the top traders. An "Holy Grail" for whoever wants to learn trading. The "Square of 9" was used by this genius to find the market's future supports and future resistances. Nowadays is possible to find them with just a click, thanks to softwares. At the time Gann was using just his set of square and goniometer!! Gann describes, partially, the tecnique on
This indicator will allow you to evaluate single currency linear regression. WHAT IS LINEAR REGRESSION?(PIC.3) Linear regression is an attempt to model a straight-line equation between two variables considering a set of data values. The aim of the model is to find the best fit that can serve the two unknown values without putting the other at a disadvantage. In this case, the two variables are price and time, the two most basic factors in the Forex market. Linear regression works in such a way
Create your Dashboard with few clicks! With the  Custom Dashboard Wizard you'll be able to create your dashboard also without any programming knowledge. This indicator/panel will give you the possibility to add/remove the values of the Metatrader4 standard indicators in any time frame you like, with any value you like and in any market you like, just be careful about writing the market name exactly as it's written on the list of your Market Watch. The main panel will be composed of three columns
With this indicator you'll have a general reading of the market's range using Gann's calculating modes. Gann's swing is used to have a quick reading to the market latest movements at first glance. The foundation of this swing calculation is in the count of candles in relation to the break-up and break-down of the price. When the price breaks-up the last maximum, the swing will get traced if a certain number of candles is exceeded from the last minimum. It can be used a "pure Gann" or not: If set
Gann s Eighth
Francesco Rubeo
This indicator will let you have at disposal Gann's Eighth, with few clicks!! Gann's Eighth were used by this great Trader to obtain the maximum fluctuation price and the possible inversion points of it. Gann have always given importance to the number 8 in his studies, an it is the reason why we find the retracement points as 0.25(10/8=1.25). Other than the number 8, also the numer 3 had is own importance in Gann, number founded in the eighth division, infact we have three eighth describing the
Read Elliott wave principle automatically. With the Swing Reader, you can easily read the Elliott Wave Principle through an automatic system. With swing, we mean a ZigZag market that is created by a breakout of its standard deviation. You can set the deviation manually, or you can let the indicator do it automatically (setting the deviation to zero). Advantages you get Never repaints. Points showing a horizontal line, in which statistically a long wave ends. Candles showing a vertical line in w