MetaTrader 5 Strategy Tester! - page 4


If I select a remote agent and run a backtest it still works OK. Only the local agents seem to have this problem.


If i select a remote agent, and not locals, the backtesting (i'm not talking of optimization; optimization disabled)

it won't run of course.

With both local only / remote only / locan & remote -- agents -- it won't run.

I hope this will be fixed soon.

Great work for MT5 with those Agents of course..


Dear professionals.

Is that only my fault ? 

My expert processes data from own custom indicator   LENSIR. Both ways of indicator handle's definition inside the program (IndicatorCreate  and iCustom with corresponding parameters) a re creating handle itself, but after it
not working with Strategy Tester.
In first case,   after attempt to run an expert in Strategy Tester, message  is appearing
                                           2010.05.09 19:47:18 Core 1 Cannot read 'LENSIR.ex5'
                                           2010.05.09 19:47:18 Core 1 Loading of LENSIR GBPUSD,M5 failed.
In the second case, no error message is appeared, but BarsCalculated function is always returns "-1".  Any  attempt to run CopyBuffer  returns error code 4806 independantly of the start and end position

LENSIR.mq5 and  LENSIR.ex5 are located in directory "Indicators".

When expert is running from the Chart  no error messages are appearing. Indicator is loaded properly and expert is working fine.

Could you please clarify this situation?


Dear professionals.

Is that only my fault ? 

My expert processes data from own custom indicator   LENSIR. Both ways of indicator handle's definition inside the program (IndicatorCreate  and iCustom with corresponding parameters) a re creating handle itself, but after it
not working with Strategy Tester.
In first case,   after attempt to run an expert in Strategy Tester, message  is appearing
                                           2010.05.09 19:47:18 Core 1 Cannot read 'LENSIR.ex5'
                                           2010.05.09 19:47:18 Core 1 Loading of LENSIR GBPUSD,M5 failed.
In the second case, no error message is appeared, but BarsCalculated function is always returns "-1".  Any  attempt to run CopyBuffer  returns error code 4806 independantly of the start and end position

LENSIR.mq5 and  LENSIR.ex5 are located in directory "Indicators".

When expert is running from the Chart  no error messages are appearing. Indicator is loaded properly and expert is working fine.

Could you please clarify this situation 

try this in expert body :


#property tester_indicator "LENSIR" 

try this in expert body :


Picture a bit changed, but still not working  Messages for the first case has disapeared, but upload of indicator's data is stil not happening.  The same with second way of definition



Picture a bit changed, but still not working  Messages for the first case has disapeared, but upload of indicator's data is stil not happening.  The same with second way of definition


is use indicator complex caclulation?

try to wait of ending calculations after call iCustom funtion:


//| Ожидание завершение расчета индикатора                           |
//| Вход  : handle - хэндл                                           |
//| Выход : true - расчет завершен успешнь false - таймаут 40 секунд |
//| Прим. : нет                                                      |
bool WaitForCalculcateIndicator( int handle ){
  int cnt=0;
  while( true ){
    int clc = BarsCalculated( handle );
    //Print("bars calculated=", clc );
    if( clc <= 0 ){
    }else break;
    if( cnt > 500*80/1000 ){//таймаут 40 секунд
      //Print("time out calculating");
  return( true );

Dear MT5 Team

I have only done some testing of very simple EAs with MT5. I run it across my home network with 7 hosts and I am really impressed with the approach taken by the developers and the speed gained. Being a developer myself, I understand how much effort it takes to complete developments of this nature. Great work guys!

I have a number of questions that I think other forum users will also benefit from. My apology if said questions have been answered elsewhere - I am new to the MT5 forum, but have not seen these questions anywhere else.


1. When only MetaTester is installed on a host, will it also get updated automatically to a newer version, or is it a manual process? What you can get is that the MT5 version on the local host can be out of synchronization with the MetaTester on remote hosts.


2. What happens to Tester Journal Logs printed by EAs under optimization when running on a remote host under the MetaTester Agent? Do they get propagated back to the local host and get listed in the Tester log/journal. I tried this last night and could not get it to work, but I still may have a bug in the code. I will confirm this tonight. The same question applies to file access.


3. Typically if you look at integrating an EA with say a neural net library like FANN (there is a nice article about it), this is done by calling some third party dll functions. Allowing this on remote hosts with MetaTester Agents can create security concerns. Is calling of dll functions allowed from EAs running as MetaTester Agents? (Maybe this should be an install option?). If dll calling is disallowed this makes the Agent architecture less useful because then speed advantages can only be gained on EAs coded in pure MQL5. I was for example considering writing test results (and some other important parameters) back into a Postgres / MySQL database for both local and remote cores (running Agents). Is this possible? At least all the information will then be in one location.


4. If dll execution is not allowed on hosts running Agents, is there a mechanism to send a message from an EA running/optimised on an Agent on a remote host back to the local MT5 host EA. In this way the local EA can commit results on behalf of remote Agents to a database or machine intelligence library, typically with a dll. This should be (fairly) simple since there is already a communication protocol between local MT5 and the remote MetaTester Agents. Dlls access would however need to be thread-safe for this to work correctly.

Thank you


is use indicator complex caclulation?

try to wait of ending calculations after call iCustom funtion:


Indicator is not using complex calculations it is just  a standard operations with  4 different Moving Averages.   Actually I have made similar cycle from the beginning (even with or without copybuffer inside) and it did not help.

Thanks again and will be waiting for your next  kind suggestions.


It's my problem now too. This used to work OK for me, but now in build 271 it has stopped working.

If I select a remote agent and run a backtest it still works OK. Only the local agents seem to have this problem.
Build 273 has fixed this problem, for me at least.

my robot is need h1 and h4 and D1 trend in same time, there are graphics object ( like trend) on H4 and D1, I want let robot in H1 to get them, not only the price information. but I cannot any setting for this in strategy tester ,

can you help me?


my robot is need h1 and h4 and D1 trend in same time, there are graphics object ( like trend) on H4 and D1, I want let robot in H1 to get them, not only the price information. but I cannot any setting for this in strategy tester ,

can you help me?

no one answer?