Words of Wisdom in Trading books - page 4


"Know that your ability (or inability) to remove yourself from emotional decisions will likely make (or break) you."__Peter Brandt


Muhammad Elbermawi,

sounds quite interessting!

Can you make an indicator from that?


"Everyone wants to know my screens, my techniques, the "secret sauce... when if fact, the problem is most people only stick to my strategy until it gets difficult. Then they try another strategy and the cycle repeats... then they wonder why they aren't super performers."__Mark Minervini

Carl Schreiber:

Muhammad Elbermawi,

sounds quite interessting!

Can you make an indicator from that?

You mean Bermaui Bands or Bermaui Deviation% :)


Dr. Alexander Elder


Technical analysis is being used widely in foreign exchange and gold.

--- Michael Brett


"A trader should have opinions about different time frames in same market. When time frames line up it is time to trade, otherwise watch."__ Peter Brandt





