Do you need to buy proxy servers to install the latest MT4?


Hello everyone,

I hope you're all well.

I need some help, please!

I haven't used MT4 for about three years. So when I attempted to install the latest version, I was greeted with this:

So am I expected to buy a proxy server to run MT4 now? If so, why? Or am I missing the point? I can't bypass this stage to install MT4 as I'm then presented with this:

May be there is a free and easy answer here, but I don't know it! However, your help with regards to this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards...

Download and install it from the broker you selected.
Dugem: I haven't used MT4 for about three years. So when I attempted to install the latest version, I was greeted with this: So am I expected to buy a proxy server to run MT4 now? If so, why? Or am I missing the point? I can't bypass this stage to install MT4 as I'm then presented with this: May be there is a free and easy answer here, but I don't know it! However, your help with regards to this matter would be greatly appreciated.

No, there is no need to get a proxy server, but if you are getting that message, then it seems that something is blocking the communications to the MetaQuotes web servers.

It could be a problem with the network security settings on your computer (or in your case the emulation/virtualisation system). It could be a firewall or maybe the router. It could also be ISP, but that is a rare case.

If it is a 3rd party VPS, then it could also be security settings imposed by the service provider.

You will need to investigate and troubleshoot to find the cause of the issue, and then fix it if possible.